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WALKER HAYES: The Right Way To Break Up

Walker Hayes knew right away when they came up with the hook for “You Broke Up With Me” that they had something special. Not only because of the catchyness of the lyric, but also because of what it said, Walker explains, “that is a great moment for everybody. When you can say that and not be lying. When you can look to the past and just be like ‘Hey you broke up with me’- that feels so good. So we knew that was right. That was the right way to spin that song for sure, yea I love when people describe it as a great break up song.” Of course while there’s many great break up songs, Walker does admit there’s one song that he thinks about when comparing “You Broke Up With Me,” to other tunes, “It kind of reminds me of a cleaner version of CeeLo Green‘s ‘Forget You,’ its that attitude. Although his song,  you can still kind of tell he still misses that girl. (laugh) In my song, the dudes over it. He’s had enough. He’s just ready to have a good time.” If you’re ready to have a good time watching Walker bounce around his work studio in his homemade video for “You Broke Up With Me”– go to Walker Hayes dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Walker Hayes knew there was something special “You Broke Up With Me” was written. (:53)
“When we just thought hey that needs to be the hook of the song we just all agreed it was so right. Its just a fun…that is a great moment for everybody. When you can say that and not be lying. When you can look to the past and just be like ‘Hey you broke up with me’- that feels so good. So we knew that was right. That was the right way to spin that song for sure, yea I love when people describe it as a great break up song. It kind of reminds me of a cleaner version of CeeLo Green‘s ‘Forget You,’ its that attitude. Although his song,  you can still kind of tell he still misses that girl. (laugh) In my song, the dudes over it. He’s had enough. He’s just ready to have a good time.”