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WALKER HAYES: Smarter Parents

When Walker Hayes isn’t out performing his new song “You Broke Up With Me” he’s at home playing dad to his 6 kids. An early lesson his kids taught him is…something almost every parent realizes…when you have your own kids, your parents get smarter. Walker jokes that not only did his parents seen smarter…but his wife’s dad rose in the ranks too! “Your parents do get smarter when you have kids…immediately! I remember when he had my daughter, my father-in-law got really smart all of sudden. I wanted to call him and apologize for so many things right off the bat, and then as she grows I want to continue to do that. So, definitely having kids changes your perspective in a major way.” Check out Walker’s homemade video for “You Broke Up With Me” on Walker Hayes dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Walker Hayes admits that his kids made him realize something most parents come to realize. (:22)
“Your parents do get smarter when you have kids…immediately! I remember when he had my daughter, my father-in-law got really smart all of sudden. I wanted to call him and apologize for so many things right off the bat, and then as she grows I want to continue to do that. So, definitely having kids changes your perspective in a major way.”