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WALKER HAYES: Sing It Like You’d Say It

Trying to write a song can be a tough project with many pitfalls, but Walker Hayes has just a couple of rules to help simplify the process, “I just try to keep it real conversational, telling the absolute truth to me is one of the main ingredients…I try to force myself to be 100 percent about all details and say it exactly how I would say it if I walked up to you.” Walker also believes “Easy to overthink and go on and on for days but if you’re just telling the truth and finding some rhymes in there I think you’ll be okay.” Those theories helped him in writing his hit song “You Broke Up With Me,” “as happy and light as that song is, you can walk up to somebody and be like, ‘darling you can’t crash my party with your sorrys and what are we’s don’t start raining on my Mardi Gras parade’. You know, it sounds like your talking and a lot of words happen to rhyme on accident. I want it all to sound like that, that’s my language, that’s what I want all of my songs to sound like.” You can check out Walker’s song writing skills with his song “You Broke Up With”–and a lot more music when his album boom comes out on December 8th. For more details and to pre-order the album head to Walker Hayes dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Walker Hayes shares his secret formula to writing songs like his hit “You Broke Up With Me.” (:68)
“I just try to keep it real conversational, telling the absolute truth to me is one of the main ingredients because I feel like the second you bend it or deviate from it, or insert truck instead of Honda to be more generic, I think you just took a little of the magic away. So I try to force myself to be 100 percent about all details and say it exactly how I would say it if I walked up to you. Just like ‘You Broke Up With Me’…as happy and light as that song is, you can walk up to somebody and be like, ‘darling you can’t crash my party with your sorrys and what are we’s don’t start raining on my Mardi Gras parade’. You know, it sounds like your talking and a lot of words happen to rhyme on accident. I want it all to sound like that, that’s my language, that’s what I want all of my songs to sound like. Easy to overthink and go on and on for days but if you’re just telling the truth and finding some rhymes in there I think you’ll be okay.”