Walker Hayes intro to his current single ‘Craig’ (Audio)
Walker Hayes “Craig” Intro liner
“What’s up y’all? This is Walker Hayes and this is my new song ‘Craig.’ It is a true story. Every line of it is 100 percent truth. I only wrote this song to thank a dear friend of mine named Craig. I hope you can relate. I hope it inspires you to be a ‘Craig’ and make you think of the ‘Craigs’ in your life.”
Shane McAnally offers some insight on Walker’s new single (Video and Audio)
Video: Shane McAnally comments on Walker Hayes’ new single ‘Craig’
Audio: Shane McAnally comments on Walker Hayes’ new single ‘Craig’
“I think there is a lot of conversation about what it and isn’t country these days and, you know, that conversation has been going on long since I got to town and I know it was going on long before I got here. ‘Craig’ is definitely pushing the boundaries from production-wise, but at the heart of it it’s a story. And, that’s why ‘Craig’ resonates because it’s not that we’ve all lost records deals. It’s not that we’ve all had someone give us a car, but we’ve been down and we’ve had someone helps us out. That is why the story resonates because we all need somebody. And, this is a poignant story of a guy that really went outside of himself, beyond the call of duty as a friend and helped someone out. And, Walker just wanted to- I think as much as he wanted to thank Craig, he also wanted to tell the world this is possible and there are people like this in the world. And, you know you can be a ‘Craig’ so you know, you look at the records that are on the radio right now- with Sam Hunt and Florida Georgia Line, it’s not about production. That is what serves the song best, but at the heart of all these songs are stories. Whether it’s a love song, whether it’s something funny that happened at a bar, or whether it’s something at a parking lot of a baseball game, these things really happened to these people and that is the heart of country music.”
Video: Shane McAnally comments on Walker Hayes’ new single ‘Craig’