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WALKER HAYES: Clapping & Whistling Along

Walker Hayes‘ song “You Broke Up With Me” is one of the most addictive hits of the summer, and that might because of all things that he included in the song. When you listen to “You Broke Up With Me,” you’re more than likely to find yourself whistling or clapping along–and it’s those elements in the song that Walker loves having in there for fans, “I love a whistle. I love anything that grabs a listeners ear…and I hate to take it away from them. I probably borderline overdue some things sometimes when I’m producing my own tracks, because those things to me are just right. They’re fun. Kids love to clap, kids are trying to learn to whistle, that’s what their ears gravitate towards, so why take it away? Why not give it to them? “You Broke Up With Me” the structure of the song is interesting…it goes into that kind of break down clap part right after the first hook comes around and I love that! It doesn’t wait til the end of the song to do that, or build really, I just give it to them there…and let’em have it.”So, now that you’re whistling and clapping along, make sure you check out the homemade video for “You Broke Up With Me” at Walker Hayes dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Walker Hayes talks about some of the elements found in his hit “You Broke Up With Me.” (:48)
“I love a whistle. I love anything that grabs a listeners ear…and I hate to take it away from them. I probably borderline overdue some things sometimes when I’m producing my own tracks, because those things to me are just right. They’re fun. Kids love to clap, kids are trying to learn to whistle, that’s what their ears gravitate towards, so why take it away? Why not give it to them? “You Broke Up With Me” the structure of the song is interesting…it goes into that kind of break down clap part right after the first hook comes around and I love that! It doesn’t wait til the end of the song to do that, or build really, I just give it to them there…and let’em have it.”