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WALKER HAYES: Before We Got Married, You Broke Up With Me

Walker Hayes takes a “walk” down memory lane as he talks about his new single, “You Broke Up With Me,” “You know what…this song was actually pretty easy to write only because my wife and I, we met in high school. And so we were on and off again like crazy.” Diving into the past of his relationship with his wife brought back relatable feelings for Hayes as he wrote “You Broke Up With Me,” “I could definitely relate with the character in this song for sure. I definitely felt like that many times.” Well, that on and off again relationship has been in “on” mode for several years now with his wife Laney…and 6 kids later…Walker is just singing about breaking up. Check out Walker’s homemade video for “You Broke Up With Me” on Walker Hayes dot com, or just click HERE

audio  While he’s happily married to his wife Laney, Walker Hayes shares that there was a time in his life where he was living the story in his song “You Broke Up With Me.” (:34)
“You know what…this song was actually pretty easy to write only because my wife and I, we met in high school. And so…we were on and off again like crazy. We were that couple like were we on, were we not? Who fricking knew? I could definitely relate with the character in this song for sure. I definitely felt like that many times. When I ran into Laney at a bar or something like that in college and vice versa, she probably did the same thing to me several times. It was a true scenario that I’ve definitely been in before.”