Tyler Farr‘s new single “Our Town” wonders why the events of today’s news seem so drastic from the reality of when he grew up, and he’s not that old! Tyler says that over the last couple of years, things have seemed to shift in a direction where much like his song, Tyler is left wondering when, and why, life has seemed to change so much from when he was younger.
Tyler Farr wonders when did things seem to change so drastically in the country. (:34)
“I could have said that probably three or four years ago. And it’s not like I’m 47 or anything, I’m 32 so not a lots different than then besides you know the style of cloths and stuff, but it’s not like, it’s like it almost happened in a very short period of time, to where it’s just you kind of look back and go when did this change. Or when did this happen? Cause it seemed like it was like an overnight thing, or just somehow we got off track and things just spiraled out of hand.”