Tyler Farr recently rolled out a contest on his website — it’s a chance to submit your own wacky video moment in keeping with the spirit of Tyler’s smash single, “Redneck Crazy.” As for Tyler himself, he says that doing funny, redneck kinds of things just seems to come naturally for him…but don’t take the contest as a license to get too crazy! (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- For contest rules and info — and to see some of the video submissions so far — visit TylerFarr.com! The contest runs through August 23rd, and Tyler will personally choose the grand prize winner and runner-up from the five best videos, with the grand prize winner scoring a flyaway to see Tyler in concert in Tampa, Florida!
- Tyler’s music video for “Redneck Crazy” has now pulled in a massive 2.8 million views on VEVO! Check it out, here.
- You can pre-order Tyler’s full-length debut album — titled Redneck Crazy — online here, on Amazon!
Tyler Farr says that where he comes from, people don’t need a reason to get redneck crazy! (:33)
“Well, where I come from, you don’t even really need a license to do that. It just kinda sorta happens. On a weekly basis with me, it happens. If someone kept a video camera on me, there would be plenty of those videos to go around, and that’s what, you know, the song was for is for people who have…everyone has a redneck side, and it…you know, from someone who lives in New York to California to south Georgia to south Florida, I mean, everyone has that moment maybe that they’re out doin’ somethin’ and just let their hair down, and it, you know, it just gets wild.”