Tyler Farr has his first big hit with his song, “Redneck Crazy,” now a Top-15-and-climbing smash, so it’s safe to say that with a hit single, an album release later this year, and tour dates coming up with Florida Georgia Line, it’s getting harder and harder for Tyler to carve out some free time from his busy schedule. But when he is finding some time to relax this summer, Tyler says it’s been a lot about hitting the links and going to the lake. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- For Tyler’s upcoming tour schedule, head over to the events page on TylerFarr.com!
- Music Trivia: Mark Chesnutt went to number-three on the Billboard chart in 1990 with the song that Tyler talks about, Mark’s debut chart single, “Too Cold at Home.” In all, he scored eight number-one hits, including “Brother Jukebox” and “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.”
- Get social with Tyler! Find him on Twitter @tylerfarr and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TylerFarrOfficial.
- Tyler’s full-length debut album, Redneck Crazy, is coming out on October 15th, and it’s available for pre-order right now, here, on Amazon.
Tyler Farr talks about how he’s spending his free time this summer — when he has some! (:48)
“Yeah, right now is…it’s lake time, and it’s golf time. I’ve picked back up golf here recently, thanks to my buddy, Colt Ford, who has got me back involved with that. He has a annual golf tournament he does this fall, and I don’t want to be the guy that’s hittin’ caddies with balls and hittin’ ’em on roofs and stuff, so I’ve been tryin’ to perfect my golf swing, but it’s still a ways away. But that’s what I’m doin’ right now, and I’m out on the lake fishin’. It’s obviously fishin’ season. It’s been hot here lately, so like the old Mark Chesnutt song, ‘too hot to fish, too hot for golf, and too cold at home,’ and I keep my AC pretty cold, so there’s been a lot of watchin’ some Duck Dynasty videos in the house and drinkin’ cold beer moments, but yeah, that’s what I’ve been doin’ this summer.”