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TYLER FARR: No One’s Perfect

Tyler Farr‘s brand new single “I Should Go To Church Sometime” is not about being perfect, it’s about having faults and accepting them. Tyler says that “We live in sin, and we do things that are wrong, not every move we make during the day is good, but the one thing I will say is that I can come to handle that and say ‘Probably need to make some changes, need to start living a little better.'” In that attempt to better yourself, Tyler feels that if everyone just took “some time to soak in the little things that I overlook every single day, and that’s what betters the country, and betters people as a whole.” In the end, the song is about “acknowledging and accepting your faults, and going ‘I’m no saint, but I accept that.'” Tyler Farr is on country radio right now with “I Should Got To Church Sometime,” for more info, head to Tyler Farr dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Tyler Farr talks about his new song “I Should Go To Church Sometime.” (:48)
“It’s very much acknowledging and accepting your faults, and going ‘I’m no saint, but I accept that.’  No one is. No one is perfect, there’s been only one person who was ever perfect. We live in sin, and we do things that are wrong, not every move we make during the day is good, but the one thing I will say is that I can come to handle that and say ‘Probably need to make some changes, need to start living a little better.’ Probably take some time to soak in the little things that I overlook every single day, and that’s what betters the country, and betters people as a whole.”