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TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases

“Hello Goodbye” singer Tyler Farr may not have a wife and kids just yet, but having a family one day is something that Tyler is looking forward to…and with the holiday season upon us, Tyler admits that he’s kind of hoping that his future family may take a wacky page out of one of his favorite holiday movies: Christmas Vacation. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • When it comes to a choice of Christmas tree, Tyler Farr is open to which variety of tree, but it’ll need to be real. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • While Tyler Farr may enjoy the Griswolds in Christmas Vacation, he tells us that he likes to stay mobile at real-life family gatherings…just in case things get a little too crazy. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • You can keep up with Tyler anytime, as well as pre-order his upcoming album, featuring his latest single, “Hello Goodbye,” online at

TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases  Tyler Farr shares his Christmastime movie favorites. (:12)
Christmas Vacation, definitely. [A] Christmas Story is right up there. A new one that I like is Four Christmases. Gosh, that’s gotta be my favorite one.”

TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases  Tyler Farr kind of hopes that his future family will take a page out of the hilarity of the Griswold family in one of his seasonal comedy film favorites, Christmas Vacation. (:30)
“I want the biggest tree. I want it to be like the Griswold’s, you know, when he went out and cut that tree down, and they’re tryin’ to shove it in the house, and the…I mean, I don’t have a family now — I don’t have kids, never been married — but someday I want to have a family. That’s what I look forward to is all the crazy happenings that come along with Christmas. You know, I can only hope to be as fortunate as Clark Griswold. You know, a grandma sayin’ ‘I pledge allegiance to the flag’ for your prayer, and maybe even have a crazy uncle that brings a RV and dumps the sewage in your front lawn.”

TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases  Tyler Farr is all about keeping it real when it comes to Christmas trees. (:25)
“Definitely a real Christmas tree guy. We went to Christmas Tree Lane — this place in Missouri — out in the middle of nowhere every year and cut down a Christmas tree. And I wanted the biggest Christmas tree, and I was all…every bit of 90 pounds, but I wanted to saw the thing down myself, and it never happened but, that’s one of the things that one of the things that people don’t do a whole lot of anymore, but I’m a big real Christmas tree guy. I proudly endorse real pine…or spruce or cedar, whatever they’re made of.”

TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases  Tyler Farr believes it’s good to have an escape plan when it comes to family get-togethers. (:33)
“I have one firm belief, and this is a public service safety announcement, as well. Everybody has crazy relatives. I don’t care who you are. So I do not believe in flying at Christmas. I drive my truck to my aunt’s or wherever I’m goin’, ’cause when it hits the fan, and things start gettin’ out of hand, or that one or two or three-day wall hits where everybody’s startin’ to gripe each other out, I’ve got the keys to my truck (laughs), and I can make my beeline back towards Tennessee (laughs), so I’m ready to go. I need that emergency exit!”

TYLER FARR: Looking Forward to Future Farr Out Christmases  Tyler Farr recommends ground transportation…just in case your family gathering gets a little funky. (:15)
“You take the airplane, and you’re — I don’t care what happens — you are there ’til your flight’s ready to leave. And so that’s my holiday safety precaution there. When it really starts goin’ down, you gotta have a way out, so that’s my advice.”