Tyler Farr is climbing the charts with his new hit, “Better in Boots,” but like a lot of artists, he’s always writing new songs, and he likes to get honest feedback from people he trusts, including his fiancée. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- “Better in Boots” is the new hit from Tyler’s terrific Suffer in Peace album, which also includes the chart-topping smash, “A Guy Walks into a Bar.”
- Calling “Better in Boots” “irresistible,” Rolling Stone Country ranked Tyler’s Suffer in Peace among its “40 Best Country Albums of 2015” in a write-up that touted Tyler as “one of country’s most gifted stylists.” Very nice!
- ‘Tis the holiday party season, and while we encourage everyone to party responsibly, Tyler shared his personal hangover remedy with us a few years ago with advice in case you happen to overindulge on more than just holiday cookies. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
Tyler Farr likes to try out new songs on his fiancée. (:19)
“We’ll listen to stuff, and she’ll tell me, ‘I like that one all right. I like that one. Nah, that one sucks.’ (laughs) I mean, she will say that. But I run ’em by her, I play ’em for friends, and that’s a big part of the process of, you know, makin’ an album — seein’ what other people think about ’em and which ones are their favorites.”
If you have a hangover, Tyler Farr has a recommendation. (:44)
“Strictly, straight-up Pedialyte. The next day. It doesn’t taste good. This is coming from a professional: drink Pedialyte. Preferably two of ’em. It says it’s for babies, but it works. If you want to take it to a whole ’nother level, your drink of choice for the night of New Year’s Eve can be Pedialyte and vodka, so then not only are you hydrating and putting electrolytes in your system while you’re not remembering anything that happened, it’ll cure the hangover. Take two or three Tylenol Extra Strength before you go to bed, Waffle House when you get up. Done deal. So, there’s my remedy. (laughs) You can tell I’m not speaking from experience.” (laughs)