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TYLER FARR: Just Keep Working

Tyler Farr has a lot going on, and he wouldn’t have it any other way, “It’s a lot of work, you just keep working and I’m not going to let anybody out work me. I make sure to stay busy.” While Tyler is out there covering the country with shows performing his latest single “I Should Go To Church Sometime,” he knows he can handled it because of his back up, “I’ve got a good team behind me. It takes that and a lot more to make this stuff happen.” What’s the X factor that helps Tyler in his career, “A lot of risk… you have to take big risk for big things to happen.” Those big risks paying off is what has gotten Tyler where is today. To check out one of Tyler’s shows, check out his tour schedule at Tyler Farr dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Tyler Farr shares some of the secret behind his success. (:18)
“It’s a lot of work, you just keep working and I’m not going to let anybody out work me. I make sure to stay busy, I’ve got a good team behind me. It takes that and a lot more to make this stuff happen. A lot of risk… you have to take big risk for big things to happen.”