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TYLER FARR: It’s Just Another Day…

You can count “Hello Goodbye” singer Tyler Farr among the masses who aren’t taking stock in the idea of December 21st marking the end of the world — or at least the end of the Mayan calendar as an indication of some worldwide calamity. Tyler says it’s always good to have your house in order, so to speak, but as far as the world ending next week, Tyler ain’t buyin’ it. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • But with his recent single, “Hello Goodbye,” Tyler admits, it could be a great end-of-the-world theme song! (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • You can pre-order Tyler’s upcoming album, as well as keep up with tour schedules and more, online at

TYLER FARR: It’s Just Another Day…  Tyler Farr says he’s not buying into any Mayan calendar end-of-the-world ideas. (:29)
“I don’t get into all that. I mean, people have been predictin’ the world’s gonna come to an end for years, and so I just kinda laugh at it. And someone out there’s goin’, ‘Oh, it’s true….’ Well, that’s fine. But no, I do not believe in (laughs) a set date. I think…seem like I remember that was supposed to happen about seven times. ‘Oh, this is the day. They’ve been predictin’ it — the sun and the dreamcatcher is predictin’,’ and all this. I’m like, ‘You are nuttier’n a squirrel turd.’ So, I don’t get into all the Mayan calendar stuff.” (laughs)

TYLER FARR: It’s Just Another Day…  Tyler Farr admits that his recent single, “Hello Goodbye,” might be a pretty good world-ending theme. (:13)
“If you want to look at it that way, it could be a very dark, it’s-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it type of song: ‘Hello Goodbye.’ So, there you have it. That could be the last song we ever hear due to the Mayan calendar.”