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TYLER FARR: Halloween Memories

Before he was singing his latest single “Our Town,” Tyler Farr was like every other kid in town and dressed up for Halloween. Tyler shares some of his Halloween memories, and what he’d like to be dropped in his trick-or-treat bag these days.

TYLER FARR: Halloween Memories  Tyler Farr says that his childhood Halloween costumes usually leaned toward sports figures, but not always. (:22)
“I always wanted to be a sports person, so I never got too crazy. I was never a Power Ranger or a…I think I was a Ninja Turtle one year. I wanted to be Donatello — I think I was Donatello — and I had that big stick thing that he carries, but my mom ended up takin’ it away from me ’cause I kept attackin’ everybody, like, thinkin’ I was a real Ninja Turtle. Yeah, I got in…I was big into Halloween.”

TYLER FARR: Halloween Memories  As a kid, Tyler Farr really enjoyed Halloween, and he remembers going out as one of his football heroes. (:10)
“I dressed up. I was obsessed with Emmitt Smith, so I got a Dallas Cowboys football helmet, and I had the jersey, and I’m walkin’ around in shoulder pads, and I think I even put the cleats on one year for that.”

TYLER FARR: Halloween Memories  Tyler Farr used to encounter issues with timely candy consumption. (:10)
“I was big into Halloween! I mean, it was a great time to go out and trick-or-treat and get candy and then my parents never lettin’ me eat all of it and hidin’ and it becoming petrified within a year.”

TYLER FARR: Halloween Memories  Tyler Farr contemplates what he’d like to find in his trick-or-treat bag nowadays. (:24)
“Shotgun shells, maybe some, like, Under Armor cold-weather gear or some turkey calls, a good shaving kit maybe. You know, times have changed, so I don’t think candy and Tootsie Rolls are quite on the (ahem) artist diet. And I don’t think anybody’s gonna go to Whole Foods to get me some gluten-free anything to put in my bag. So, that would probably be what’s goin’ in my trick-or-treatin’ bag these days.”