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TYLER FARR: Get’em A Cricket


Tyler Farr‘s song “Our Town” compares the happenings of today with when Tyler was growing up. One of the things that baffles Tyler about kids today is the amount of technology that they have access to. Tyler remembers that it wasn’t until he was in high school that cell phones really came out, and today he’s seeing kids younger than that running around with iPhones and iPads. Tyler thinks they need to be dialed back…forget about a smart phones, just get them a cricket wireless.

audio  Tyler Farr thinks the amount of technology kids have should be scaled back. (:16)
“Cell phones came out, the original ones like the beginning ones around, just getting into high school, you know so, and now a days you see kids with iPads and iPhones, and I’m like what? Does that kid really need an iPhone or iPad? Get’em a cricket wireless.”