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TYLER FARR: Classically Schooled

“Hot Mess” singer and hot newcomer Tyler Farr is a rarity among country artists for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he cut his vocal chops singing, of all things, classical music! It’s what helped send him to college, but Tyler tells us that by that time, his heart wasn’t on his studies as much as it was on country music. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • You can pick up Tyler’s debut single, the very cool “Hot Mess,” at your favorite online music store — and you can also hear it right now at!

TYLER FARR: Classically Schooled  Tyler Farr says that college came calling, but Nashville won out. (:22)
“I went to college at Missouri State on a Vocal Performance scholarship. I sang classical all through high school. And I discovered it was probably gonna take me about 10 to 15 years to graduate — and I wasn’t going for a doctor’s degree! (laughs) So, I…one day I just packed my stuff up. I went through about two years, and I packed my stuff up, headed to Nashville.”