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TYLER FARR: Backyard Football

Thanksgiving and football just seem to go hand in hand, and when it comes to a little backyard football in Tyler Farr‘s family, the “Hello Goodbye” singer says that his family usually looks to him as the one to be movin’ the ball, whether he’s passing or running. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Keep up with the latest on Tyler, and pre-order his upcoming album, featuring “Hello Goodbye,” on his website at!

TYLER FARR: Backyard Football  Tyler Farr says that he’s usually tapped to play one of a few different roles when it comes to backyard family football. (:23)
“I get thrown around ’cause I was…not a lot of people in my family played football. Now, a lot of ’em are athletic and stuff, but I’ll usually be the quarterback or the wide receiver. I’m the fast one, so I…I don’t know about these days, if I’m the fast one still. All those nightclubs and those tour dates may have slowed me down a little bit, but it’s always fun. I usually get winded after about two plays, but I’m a huge football fan, huge SEC fan.”