Tyler Farr has been making a lot of new fans these days singing about getting “Redneck Crazy,” and Tyler admits that the redneck in him has traditionally made an appearance on the Fourth of July — but it’s all been in good fun, especially when it was Tyler holding the match to the fireworks. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Tyler’s smash, “Redneck Crazy,” is turning heads everywhere, even The New York Times, which spotlight Tyler in its “Playlist” segment this past weekend! Check it out here!
- Tyler says that he’s got a few shows on tap before enjoying some week-of-the-Fourth R&R. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- This week, fans can catch up with Tyler when he plays the Independence Day Music Festival in Scottsdale, Arizona, on July 3rd before heading to Kansas City, Missouri, for the Fourth of July, where he’ll be performing at 94.1 KFKF’s Summer of Freedom event.
- Keep up with Tyler on Facebook at Facebook.com/TylerFarrOfficial!
Tyler Farr says that he’s always enjoyed being a fireworks fuse-lighter, as he recalls some of his Fourth of July adventures. (:40)
“Yeah, I’ve always been a lightin’-the-fuse guy, and that dates back to my early high school years when my buddy worked at a fireworks stand around the Fourth of July, so he would smuggle these fireworks to us. There was probably some things we shouldn’t have done and probably some things I shouldn’t be alive right now for experimenting with. There’s always…we always had the bottle rocket fights, and then it turned into Roman candle fights, until I lit one of my buddy’s butts on fire. And that didn’t turn out good — we had to throw him in a pond, and (laughs) ixnay that.”
Tyler Farr says that there’s just something about kids and fireworks. (:12)
“It’s always interesting when you get young, crazy kids and fireworks together. They…I think every kid or boy wants to be the fuse-lighter and see where they can make this bottle rocket go.
Tyler Farr believes in child safety when it comes to fireworks, but laughs that there’s usually a kid like him in the bunch. (:18) (note content)
“I encourage young kids to use the snakes and the poppers, but there’s always that little redneck kid that has a bottle rocket, and he’s about to light it, and he’s gonna fire it wherever direction he decides to go, and it’s gonna scare the crap out of somebody, and (laughs) I live for moments like that. What can I say?”
Tyler Farr will be heading for his home state of Missouri for the Fourth of July. (:18)
“I am. I’m playin’ in…I’ll be just north of my hometown, in Kansas City, doin’ a show up there, and then I think I’m gonna go to the lake for a couple days after that. Things have been busy here lately, so I’m gonna get to have a few days probably with my family at the lake, so I’m lookin’ forward to that.”