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Tim McGraw & Faith Hill are gearing up for the release of their very first album together The Rest Of Our Life–which is out tomorrow, Friday the 17th! The Rest Of Our Life is not only the title of the album, but it’s also the name of their new single–Tim & Faith share how the song, which came to them late in the album making process made its way to inspiring the title of the whole project, Tim says “We thought about it for a while we wondered what the title was gonna be.” Faith adds, “that song came in later too, we were essentially done with the record and the song came in and as soon as we did it was it was obvious it should be the title honestly.” Tim says The Rest of Our Life was so good as a title it actually got chosen over some of the other song titles on the album, “I think we kicked around ‘The Bed We Made’ we kicked around for a little while which was a cool title I thought, that might have been the only other idea that we had we were sort of trying to figure out a good idea for the album title and this song came in and it just wiped everything else out.”

The Rest Of Our Life is the first ever album the superstar couple has done together. Fans will get to hear all 11 tracks when the album hits stores and online tomorrow, Friday the 17th. Some of those fans will get to see Tim & Faith perform those songs live next year when the 2018 leg of the Soul2Soul World Tour continues–but they can also relive moments from the 2017 version of the tour Friday night as Showtime will be airing a special behind the scenes look at the Soul2Soul World Tour.

For more information regarding the album release, Soul2Soul World Tour, and the Showtime special, visit Tim McGraw dot com, or just click HERE or Faith Hill dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw & Faith Hill talk about how their new single “The Rest of Our Life” also became the title of their brand new album. (:31)
Tim: “We thought about it for a while we wondered what the title was gonna be…”
Faith: “that song came in later too, we were essentially done with the record and the song came in….”
Tim: “and we thought we had to cut it because it was such a beautiful song…”
Faith: “and as soon as we did it was it was obvious it should be the title honestly…”
Tim: “I think we kicked around ‘The Bed We Made’ we kicked around for a little while which was a cool title I thought, that might have been the only other idea that we had we were sort of trying to figure out a good idea for the album title and this song came in and it just wiped everything else out.”