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TIM MCGRAW & FAITH HILL: Strong-Willed Ideas Leads to Where Beauty Comes Out

When two artists work together, it can get complicated. When those artists are married, it can add all kinds of levels to the matter…but Tim McGraw and Faith Hill say that working things out can make things even better. Tim and Faith, along with being touring partners on the Soul2Soul tour, are also legendary solo artists, so, there’s occasionally creative differences, but they say that’s a good thing.  Tim shares that “We’re very strong-willed and both approach things differently and are different kinds of musicians so sometimes it’s hard to let go of an idea but you have to work it out.” Faith added “we are independent and we fight for what WE think is right.” Tim agrees, and thinks that fighting for what they want as solo artists is helpful, ” think what comes out of that and the good that comes out of that is we get to a better place because of it. Sometimes we find a better answer and a better solution to what we were trying to accomplish by working that out between us. That’s the biggest rub that there is. We’re just two different artists. The beauty comes out of that in a lot of ways.” While they may be strong solo artists, fan love when Tim and Faith come together for a tour and to sing their song “Speak To A Girl.” If you want to see Tim and Faith work together on the Soul2Soul tour, check out their tour dates by going to either Tim McGraw dot com, or Faith Hill dot com, or for Tim’s site just click HERE, and for Faith’s click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw and Faith Hill talk about the challenges of being solo artists on tour together. (:37)
“We’re very strong-willed and both approach things differently and are different kinds of musicians so sometimes it’s hard to let go of an idea but you have to work it out”
Faith: “Because we are independent and we fight for what WE think is right. (Laughs)”
Tim: “Right! We both do that from an artful . . . from our different perspectives.”
Faith: “Yeah.”
Tim: “But I think what comes out of that and the good that comes out of that is we get to a better place because of it. Sometimes we find a better answer and a better solution to what we were trying to accomplish by working that out between us. That’s the biggest rub that there is. We’re just two different artists. The beauty comes out of that in a lot of ways.”