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TIM MCGRAW & FAITH HILL: Start With Nothing, End Up With Everything

With a list of hits a mile long, picking songs to sing on their Soul2Soul tour was tougher than you’d think for Tim McGraw & Faith Hill. Tim says it’s actually simple to start…you take away everything to start with, and think more about the journey you want to take the audience on during the show. That’s when you can really start building a set list according to Tim, “then you start placing things back in according to those parameters that you set up for yourself. When you take everything away you set the blocks the way you wanna set the blocks and then you start plugging the songs in that give the emotional impact that you want and that you want the audience to feel and what we wanna feel so we can translate that emotional energy to the audience.” To see the musical journey Tim & Faith’s set list takes you on, check out the Soul2Soul tour…to find the dates for the shows, check out either Tim McGraw dot com, or Faith Hill dot com, or for Tim’s site just click HERE, and for Faith’s click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw shares the process he and Faith Hill went through to get the set list just right for their Soul2Soul tour shows. (:38)
“How we approach this is, yes, we have all these songs and this catalog of music and no matter how much you trim the tree, you can’t do every song that everybody wants to hear. So, take that away for a second. How do we build a show that has the energy, has the moments that we want that tells the story that we wanna tell and has the emotional impact that we want it to have? So then you start placing things back in according to those parameters that you set up for yourself. When you take everything away you set the blocks the way you wanna set the blocks and then you start plugging the songs in that give the emotional impact that you want and that you want the audience to feel and what we wanna feel so we can translate that emotional energy to the audience.”