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TIM MCGRAW & FAITH HILL: Speaking To A Bigger Message

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have sung many songs together, but none like their latest duet, “Speak To A Girl.” Tim says “You find great songs, and good songs, and songs that talk about love and talk about different subject matters in a lot of great ways , and have great melodies…but every now and then, you come across a song that has a bigger message then just you singing the song, and just making a record of it. The song its self and what it says has a bigger and broader message, and I think this is one of those songs.” He might be onto something, fans have been connecting to “Speak To A Girl”–whether they hear it on the radio, or see Tim and Faith perform it live on their Soul2Soul tour, the song is making an impact with all that hear it. You can check out when the tour is heading your way by going to either Tim McGraw dot com, or Faith Hill dot com, or for Tim’s site just click HERE, and for Faith’s click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw explains what sets “Speak To A Girl” a part from other songs. (:20)
“You find great songs, and good songs, and songs that talk about love and talk about different subject matters in a lot of great ways , and have great melodies…but every now and then, you come across a song that has a bigger message then just you singing the song, and just making a record of it. The song its self and what it says has a bigger and broader message, and I think this is one of those songs.”