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TIM MCGRAW & FAITH HILL: Emotional Impact

When fans show up to a concert, they are seeing the end result of hours and hours of prep work by the artist and their crew to make sure the greatest experience possible to conveyed during the show to the crowd. Tim McGraw & Faith Hill‘s Soul2Soul tour is no different. What you’re seeing is the vision Tim & Faith had to perfectly combine their music with a visual element that helps the fans get immersed in the whole production of the night. Tim explains the process, “At the end of the show…people leave, and feel like they got the emotional impact that we wanted to give them, then I think that we have accomplished our mission. I think that goes with the lighting program…that goes with the ebb and flow of the show…that goes with the segue ways in between the songs that the band is really great at doing. How you put the movie on and how does the movie play and I think that what…we serve the show and we serve the emotions and serve the movie and I think that’s what we are trying to do with this show. For us, it’s really gonna hit the chords that we want it to hit.” One of the highlights that helps with the emotional impact is when fans get to see Tim & Faith sing “Speak To A Girl” live on stage. If you want to see the emotional impact that Tim and Faith’s Soul2Soul tour can have on you, check out their tour dates by going to either Tim McGraw dot com, or Faith Hill dot com, or for Tim’s site just click HERE, and for Faith’s click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw explains how he and Faith Hill plan out their tour show for fans. (:29)
“At the end of the show…people leave, and feel like they got the emotional impact that we wanted to give them, then I think that we have accomplished our mission. I think that goes with the lighting program…that goes with the ebb and flow of the show…that goes with the segue ways in between the songs that the band is really great at doing. How you put the movie on and how does the movie play and I think that what…we serve the show and we serve the emotions and serve the movie and I think that’s what we are trying to do with this show. For us,  it’s really gonna hit the chords that we want it to hit.”