TENILLE TOWNES: Commentary on her Debut Album, “The Lemonade Stand” (Audio)
TENILLE TOWNES: Commentary on her Debut Album, “The Lemonade Stand” (Audio)
Making this record, disappearing into this beautiful church studio in East Nashville, was such a dream. I mean I feel like I found pieces of myself in the whole process of creating these songs. And working with Jay Joyce was just amazing. He has such an incredible perspective on trusting a song and giving it the space to just explore and become what it’s supposed to be. And I will never forget the experience of making The Lemonade Stand as long as I live.
Every song on this record holds a different kind of memory or highlight for me in that creative process. But I will say that at the end of “The Most Beautiful Things,” Jay Joyce had this really cool idea to bring a little kid in to sing, and Amelia came. She’s Jason Hall, the engineer’s, daughter. She stood in the studio and sang those lines with so much courage, and I just stood there and watched her singing and just felt myself getting teary-eyed thinking about when I was her age at 7 years old just dreaming of making this kind of music someday, dreaming of singing on stages for people, and singing along to all of my favorite records in the back seat. And it just felt like such a cool full circle to watch her singing that day, I’ll never forget that.