Sony Music Nashville: LIFE AT HOME-Part 6 (Video and Audio)
With the uncertainty and change we are experiencing daily, Sony Music Nashville and our artists are committed to staying connected to listeners and fans. Music has been and will always be a unifying instrument regardless of circumstances. We invite you to check back here at the Sony Prep regularly, stop by https://www.sonymusicnashville.com/, and follow our artists’ socials for updates on all things Sony Music Nashville. Below are some more Life At Home Updates from some of our artists to preview, download and share. Stay safe and thank you for your continued support!
What’s up, it’s Brandon from LANCO here. This is my music room, my little studio room where I’m spending a lot of my time when I’m not binge watching… everything, and trying to read a book. I’m really trying to read. If I’m not doing that I’m doing house work that I’ve put off for oh, my entire music career. I’m just sitting here at home playing the guitar. I find myself taking songs that we have and just making them into, I don’t know, parody songs about what’s going on like (sings parody version of What I See) … Yeah just take songs we’ve already written and making a new version with today’s times. It’s been crazy, but I hope that you’re safe. I hope that you’re doing alright. I’m really thankful for things like this even right here and taking technologies and things like radio that still keep us connected and remind us that we are all in this together. And, that are places for music that… at the end of the day, music is supposed to unite us. It’s supposed to allow us to set aside our differences and unite around something. And if we’ve ever needed that, more than ever it’s right now. So, I hope you’re doing alright. I hope you’re safe. Thank you to all the radio stations out there that are still putting out music and reminding us that there’s music out there and that can unite us. Love you all, stay safe. Hopefully see you soon.
Maren Morris
We hope you’re doing well and getting through this very tough time. The way we’ve been passing the last several weeks is obviously hanging out with our new baby, Hayes. He’s a really nice distraction from all the chaos, and it’s just been amazing to have this time at home with him, but we can’t wait to get back out on the road.
Rachel Wammack
Hey y’all, it’s Rachel Wammack. I just wanted to share with y’all a few things that I have been doing during quarantine. One of them, I’ve picked up a new hobby: Chalk Painting. Don’t know if y’all have done it. I’m obsessed with it. I think I’ve chalk painted everything in this house- kitchen table, dresser drawers, side table. I love it, could do it for hours, listen to music. It’s super calming. Also, have listened to some music that I haven’t listened to in a while or just deep dived into. I’ve been listening to Ruston Kelly, Diplo, Astrid S, Jason Isbell, a few others. But, it’s been awesome just having the time to do this. So, finding a little blessing from being at home during quarantine. I hope y’all are too.