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SETH ENNIS: Waking Up On Tour After Tour

Seth Ennis is a busy guy this year, as he is getting the chance to perform his debut hit “Woke Up In Nashville” on a bunch of different tours. He’s already opened for FGL, plus Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on their Soul2Soul tour, and he was out on some shows with Billy Currington, and this week Seth hits the road with Luke Bryan on his Huntin’, Fishin’, Lovin’ Every day tour. Seth says that he’s really benefiting from having the chance to work with some many of this artists, “They’re all different performers but they are all so good and at the top of their game. So a guy like me, can come in and I can learn as much as I can. So, I watch every show they do and try to watch from a different spot in the arena every night. Just like almost as a fan, to see what a fan would see. So I can take notes and hopefully incorporate all that stuff into my performance.” To check out where you can see Seth sing “Woke Up In Nashville”–head to Seth Ennis dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Seth Ennis talks about getting the opportunity to open shows for so many different artists. (:56)
“The cool thing about this year for me is…one, I get to be on these tours in the first place. But two, I kinda grew up playing the college bar scene. Which is like rooms a lot smaller than these arenas I am playing. And I’ll tell you this: arenas are a whole new ball game. It is completely different in how to capture a crowd and the technique that all these different people use. The cool thing about this year, for me, is all these people that I look up to a ton. Between the FGL guys, being out with Tim and Faith, being out with Billy, and being out with Luke. They’re all different performers but they are all so good and at the top of their game. So a guy like me, can come in and I can learn as much as I can. So, I watch every show they do and try to watch from a different spot in the arena every night. Just like almost as a fan, to see what a fan would see. So I can take notes and hopefully incorporate all that stuff into my performance.”