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Tom: After the pandemic, and going through a very questionable period, it led to a lot of like self discovery personally and musically for us. And we got to a point where we felt self sufficient enough to produce our own music. And that’s kind of where this EP led us and it’s all self produced and kind of done primarily at our house, which is really cool. And I think like, it’s as US authentically right now as we could possibly be. And, you know, sometimes these things take a lot of time to come out once they’re done. And I feel like this still feels very fresh to us and still feels very like right now Seaforth and the fact that we’re putting it out when we are as exciting because the songs still feel, you know, relevant and new in ways and so I’m just really excited to get this new kind of chapter of music out to people that.
Mitch: I mean, Tom was sitting slaving away in in that room at the house that he was referring to, every day, I don’t think I ever didn’t hear one of those songs on repeat. So for me, I’m sick of him because I just heard him too. But he worked his friggin ass off producing that which is which is so cool because it’s like it’s unlike anything else because it all came from within the house and within the heart. But we are so stoked about it and finally put another body of work out we’ve been just staying in to do that for a long time because I feel like it’s hard to just get a grasp on what Seaforth is hearing one song every now and then this is I feel like a good kind of like map of what what we’re about.
Tom: Yeah, I think from Queen of Daytona Beach through to magic, like from top to bottom you kind of get taken on like a bit of a journey, hopefully. And yeah, people have been asking a lot about new music. So I feel like we’re just really excited to finally you know, get some out in a kind of bulk action.”
Mitch: “So we wrote Queen of Daytona Beach and essentially the complete opposite situation to what we were in when we wrote it. It was middle of pandemic, it was kind of like the first song we’d written back after like a six month break. And we just kind of needed an escape. We needed something to take us out of where we were, we got in the room that day. And I remember, we’re like, let’s write something with energy. Let’s let’s write something fun. And it turned out to be that and it was kind of a good perspective for us to like, take a break from being locked in our house crying herself to sleep every night to imagine us on a beach in Daytona, having a great time. And then it was kind of amazing how it all full circle moment happened with Sean Kingston as we referenced that song and initially joked about the the idea of getting him on it because we thought it would be, it just wouldn’t be able to happen. And then we made it happen.”
Tom: “Yeah I guess, I had a friend that knew Sean’s manager. And I showed her the song. And I mentioned the Sean Kingston things we joked about trying to get him on the song. And I was like, it’d be crazy if we got Sean on it. And my friend was like, Well, I know Sean’s management team. And I was like, well, let’s you know, send it. She was like, yeah, I’ll do it, and sent it. And then we heard back literally like that day, and they loved it. And Sean loved the song. And then we kind of just started talking and it took a while to make happen, but then eventually, like, got clearance on it and then got him on the song. Which was crazy full circle because beautiful girls for us was like high school dances and this whole throwback kind of thing. So the fact that we have a song with Sean Kingston I think is just a cool thing for us as like, fans of his when we were young and stuff.“
Mitch: “We wrote Palm of Your Hand with two of our best mates in town Rocky Block and Jordan Dozzi. I think it was the first song we’d written with Jordan. And similar experience, it was just still in COVID, pandemic times. And we just got in there in the room. And I feel like we all had an energy that is reflected in that song. And it’s kind of like 80s inspired we like we’re working with synths and slightly different melodies. And I remember we were singing about kind of just being wrapped up in this woman, for whatever reason. She’s beautiful, and she’s, striking different to anyone else. And Palm of Your Hand came about we were talking about whiskey and, the bourbon eyes, as usual. And it’s not a deep poem. I guess you would say it’s just a fun light hearted love song and we’re proud of it.”
Tom: “Breakups came from, I guess, the most serious and like real heartbreak I’ve gone through personally. And we wrote it with two good friends of ours, Liz rose and Cameron Bedell. And they knew about the situation that I was going through at the time. And Liz happened to ask me how that all was the day that we wrote. And we started something else, and then ended up talking about that. And then we started talking about how much that affects you when you break up with like your best friend and everything. And that was very, very real for me at the time. And so then we wrote about it. And we hadn’t really ever gotten that vulnerable with anything that we’d like released. And then we sat on the song for a while and then put it out. And to this day, like for us, it’s the most successful song that we’ve had as Seaforth. And so it’s kind of funny that like writing from the heart and writing from real, you know, stories and real lyrics and everything is like something that connects with people. But I guess that’s country music, and I feel like yeah, we’re super proud of what that song has done. We play it live and it seems to have reached more people than we maybe think which is really cool.“
Mitch: “So Good Beer. That’s another fun song. So we were actually on tour with him (Jordan Davis) at the time. It started off with just Tom and I on the song we had it mastered and finished. And I remember we were out with Jordan and we always thought that the song because it’s like it’s a energetic song, it’s a drinking song. It’s a party. We’re like we need someone else on on it with us to kind of reflect that energy. And we were out with Jordan and we’re becoming great mates with him. And one of the shows we were like, just showed him the song like, is this something you’d be interested in? And he was like, hell yeah. Like, love this. So we literally in a space of two weeks, got him to sing on it, and then we released it at the top of the year.”
Tom: “I feel like for us from hearing even Jordan’s, like first stuff that he put out when we first became aware of him he stuck out to us as being like unique and his like melody choices and even the production of his music, I feel like was in line with what we were kind of doing. And we always talked about how it would be like a dream tour or like a dream collaboration just from like stylistic similarities. I feel like we’re in the same sort of ballpark. And then with the song Good Beer I feel like that’s why it made a lot of sense and I feel like he really suits that song and elevated it and really brought a whole new thing to it. Which we’re like super thankful for. bBt yeah, I feel like always we’ve just felt like we have similarities in like sonics and in melodic choices and stuff, which is really cool. So it was fun to like, see that come to life.”
Mitch: “Used To It is actually one of the oldest songs on the EP. Most of them we’d written in the pandemic, but Used To It is something that we’ve kind of had, I guess, sitting in a closet somewhere for the last few years that we’ve forgotten about.“
Tom: “In your bedroom.”
Mitch: “Yeah, bedroom closet. Top shelf. No, we’ve always loved the song, but I feel like yeah, we just kind of forgot about it. But I remember when we were writing it, it’s just a beautiful love song. And we were listening back through demos when we were kind of putting this next batch of songs together and came across that song. And immediately we’re like, oh, we need to like do something with this. I’d forgotten about it and fell in love with the song again. And I’m just glad we finally get a chance to put it out to the world because I think it’s it’s beautiful.”
Tom: “Yeah, I don’t know. I feel like like Mitch said, it just was a moment where we maybe overlooked how good we at least think the song is. People might hate it. But no, we kind of just overlooked what the song was and then came back to it and we’re like, this feels special. And I feel like songs can be like, you can’t really put a date on like a good song. Like you know, like even though it’s like four or five years old now we kind of came back to it.”
Mitch: “It almost becomes more relevant to you at different points in your life.”
Tom: “Exactly.”
Mitch: “What I Get for Loving You, that was a special song for us. It was kind of the second song we wrote. After taking like a big break during COVID. We were actually wrote it the day after Queen of Daytona Beach. And that song, I remember it started completely the complete opposite to what you hear it now it was like a full hip hop. Like Tom had made this track that was like hip hop. I don’t know how you would describe it, but it was anything but what it is now. And we were just singing melodies trying to get song starts. And we sung literally the whole chorus melody to that with that lyric, What I Get for Loving You, and it kind of stuck with us. And we brought it in with our buddy Rocky and showed him that and he was like, that’s it, whatever that is, let’s let’s write that. And we ended up stripping it back to piano and just telling a real stor about heartbreak again, and not to bring up Tom’s past again, we kind of like, we touch back into kind of what we started with Breakups. And I felt like it almost became like a Part B to that. And like a progression emotionally from that.
Yeah, definitely. And to add to that, I remember the we had to write the week after we technically wrote the song, we had to write on our books with our buddy Breland. And we had heard My Truck and we were keen to write with him because he’s doing something different. And so we kind of came up with this song idea. That ended up being What I Get for Loving You. But I remember we came up with it-
Mitch: It was intentionally for Breland that’s right.”
Tom: “Yeah, for that session to be like, hey, we started something. And then we kind of came up with the idea and the melodies and even the title. And we’re like, oh, we might keep that for ourselves. Like, sorry Breland. But he’s like, I don’t care. It is funny, like, that was where the song initially started. And then it turned into like full piano, you know, ballad, emotional thing. But it’s one of those ones top down where I like, would read the lyric. And I know that I feel like we wrote that song as best we could.”
Mitch: “I knew all along what I had to lose just kills me. Like going into something, knowing the potential, you’re like, there’s a good chance this is gonna hurt me. But yeah, let’s go. And then it does hurt you. Yeah, it’s just, it’s as real as it gets, you you start a relationship with someone and you give it, you give it all and you obviously hope, the absolute best for that relationship. And sometimes things don’t work out as I feel like a lot of people have experienced and it just touches on that. I feel like listening to that down, whether you’re in a relationship that’s amazing, or you’re broken up, you’ll still get that same emotional feeling. Because we’re all we’re all human. And that’s the beauty about beauty about songs, it can take you to a different place, regardless of what situation you’re in. But I feel like even though I’m in a happy relationship, it still gives me a little stab to the heart listening to it, even though we wrote it and sang it still makes me feel something that which is which is great.”
Tom: “That’s the thing I guess about like Breakups, too, is like we’ll get messages about it being like, I’m happily married, and I want to have my heart broken, just to like break up and just to hear it. But it’s like, you know, there are different phases of like, getting over a breakup, too. And I feel like Breakups, the song was quite longing and like missing that person. And I think What I Get for Loving You is kind of maybe a couple months down the line where you like, a little bit like I gave you everything and yeah, like it hurt in the end. I don’t know. So it’s kind of just another like, chapter of the story of like a breakup. And so that’s one of my most proud songs I think I’ve ever been apart of so, for sure.”
Mitch: “So Magic is the oldest song on that EP for sure. I feel like that might have even been one of the earliest songs we wrote when we moved to Nashville. And it’s essentially just a reminder for for anyone out there that whether you feel like it or not, you’re beautiful, you’re loved and you’re magic. And I remember we wrote it with a good buddy of ours, Derrick Sutherland. And I feel like we had the whole song melodically completely finished, and the title Magic and that’s kind of all we had. And we got in with with Derrick and we started going back and forth with, like, how you could how you could flip that. And he came up with this just incredible kind of concept for the song around magic. And we spent the day writing it and we loved it. I remember we posted just one video of it on YouTube, like a live version of that and we never ended up putting it out. But to this day, that’s still been one of our most requested songs whether on social media, or at live performances, people yell it out. So we’ve always played it when we’re like it’s probably time we just put it out into the world because I still think it’s a beautiful song and it’s a little different from anything we’ve released thus far. It’s not specifically just a love song to someone. It’s a, you know, affirmation, and hopefully a little positive message for people out there.” | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | TikTok
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Courtney Beebe
Sony Music Nashville
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