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RYAN HURD: Growing Up Around Music

Ryan Hurd‘s career as a songwriter and singer is not totally a departure from his experience growing up. Before he started singing songs like “Love In A Bar,” Ryan watched his mom and dad enjoy music, “My mom plays piano, my dad sang at church, and my dad and his brothers every Thanksgiving and Christmas would get together and do little barbershop songs together. Whether they could sing the whole song or not they’d usually pick out one line and it would take them an hour to figure it out. I’ve always been around music.” Ryan’s own earliest musical experience was the same as most people’s “My mom made me take piano lessons and I loved it. I wasn’t very good. I remember being 14 years old and they made me do a piano recital and I looked around at all the other people who were at my level and they were all like 9 and I was like this is probably not my thing, I should probably quit piano lessons cause I suck. But I’ve always loved sitting down at the piano and making chords and feeling it resonate.” To check out more about Ryan and his current musical experiences, including the video for his song “Love In A Bar”– check out Ryan Hurd dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Ryan Hurd talks about being around music when he was growing up. (:40)
“I grew up around music my mom plays piano, my dad sang at church, and my dad and his brothers every Thanksgiving and Christmas would get together and do little barbershop songs together. Whether they could sing the whole song or not they’d usually pick out one line and it would take them an hour to figure it out. I’ve always been around music and my mom made me take piano lessons and I loved it. I wasn’t very good. I remember being 14 years old and they made me do a piano recital and I looked around at all the other people who were at my level and they were all like 9 and I was like this is probably not my thing, I should probably quit piano lessons cause I suck. But I’ve always loved sitting down at the piano and making chords and feeling it resonate.”