Hey, it’s Restless Road.
This is Restless Road
It’s Restless Road
Restless Road here…
…and this is our song.
Here’s our song.
Here’s our new album…
Last Rodeo
…and this is our new album Last Rodeo.
Available now.
This is our new album…
…and this is our single…
Thanks for listening
Last Rodeo
Head Over Heels
Growing Old With You
Could Have Been A Love Song
Roll Tide Roll
Bar Friends
Tell Me Not To
Go Get Her
I Don’t Want To Be That Guy
10 Things
Leave Them Boots On
Easy For You To Say
You Don’t Have To Love Me
No Can Do
That Town and You
Most Nights featuring Erin Kinsey
Sundown Somewhere
On My Way
Full-Length Audio Cut x Cuts can be found HERE. Video is forthcoming. Shorter audio-only versions are transcribed below.
Zach: So track number one off our debut album, Last Rodeo is Last Rodeo. Would you look at that? I remember when we wrote that song, I’d say we had about half an album already done. But when we wrote Last Rodeo I feel like a switch got flipped in our heads where we were like, this is this song is gonna change, change it all and kind of like this song kind of says a lot.
Colton: I remember I think that was that same day we came into the label and we were playing them songs that we were excited about…
Zach: That’s right. We almost didn’t even have time to write that day. We almost didn’t even write it. But luckily, our cowriters they were willing to wake up at 9am which never, never happens. We don’t wake up that early. But we we got in there early. And I remember we wrote that- sometimes we write songs and they take take forever, sometimes days, weeks. But Last Rodeo, we like wrote that thing so fast. Produced it so fast. It was like five hours total. The same thing that we posted on TikTok we, we did that all in like, like four or five hours. And it was nuts. And I remember when we started showing that song to everybody. That was the one that people were like, and we were like…
Garrett: I gotta brag on the music video real quick, too, because that honestly, to me, at least that was the most fun one we’ve ever done.
Colton: I gotta brag on you. You had your acting like debut and it was…
Garrett: A lot of hours put in…
Zach: I know. We all wanted to act in our music video. And that was really important to us. But I was really nervous to follow it up after your scene because you just really dug so deep. It was like some. I mean, it was some Netflix stuff, man. Yeah, you even did the Tom Cruise Mission Impossible.
Garrett: I mean that scene runs so many times, I had to like recreate it.
Colton: Do you remember you literally almost passed out I tried to tell you good job. And you go… Stop, stop.
Garrett: I have to apologize for that because I was method acting. I actually had a couple beers before I started because I really wanted to I wanted to portray my character. But I you know, that was not a good idea before running because the the director Gus, he was making me run, like, as fast as I possibly could. And he made me do it over and over and over again. So when I saw you guys, it was a bad time.
Zach: And working with Gus on the music video was I loved it because I felt like he was really trying to bring out the core meaning behind the song which I know when we wrote it, it kind of stemmed from I had that breakup, but when we wrote it, we wanted it to be super universal, that anybody who was just dealing with, you know, feeling like they got knocked down need to get back on their feet, you know? Just ,we wanted to write something super motivational that anyone could see themselves and relate to. And I felt like Gus really brought that music video and, you know, it hit me kind of crazy, you know, the lyrics of the song. It’s a really up tempo, fun song to do live and people really get into it, but the lyrics are really powerful. And I felt it really hit me when we we played the song live the other week, and we had that girl in our meet and greet. She had that tattoo. Yeah, where she wanted to make her a tattoo of the lyrics said I, I might be bruised, but I am broke.
Colton: Can I tell y’all something really, really funny about that. Two nights ago, I just had like this epiphany that I spelled Ain’t wrong. I put apostrophe in the wrong spot and I realized that when I said oh ain’t, or I put ain’t and like a caption. Oh no, I was making the lyrics for the TikTok that I posted the other night and I realized I was like, oh my God, wait so A-apostrophe-I-n-t and really hoping that they proofed that before.
Garrett: I’m really hoping her tattoo… don’t get it like that.
Zach: Listen. We’re singers, not spellers.
Garrett: I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Zach: Yeah I love this song reminds me of like those 90 songs that we love and like I said, like we’re in town you know how sometimes we get a little wild hair and we go out to the line dancing and bar like we’ll go to Cahoots or The Palace. We have we have so many great memories of like going out and it was it’s so cool now that we have a song that we can really hear in one of those places.
Garret: I hope it takes off on the dancing circuits.
Zach: When we put it out our fans already were like obsessed with it but then when it was on The Bachelor it just took it off to another level. The live shows, you know, we’ve had so many people get engaged in front of our own eyes. Which I wasn’t prepared for how to handle that, you know, but it’s been so cool to see people falling in love. And what’s cool about that song you know, at our shows, people always come up to us after the show and kind of like have a story to tell us about how they renewed their vows to the song or how you know, the song even saved a marriage.
Zach: Could Have Been A Love Song, I love how in the song we just started it right out of the gate with a big ol harmony.
Colton: But you gotta get, we gotta give credit where credit’s due on that. Remember, we did not have that version like that. And Randy Goodman (CEO, Sony Music Nashville) was at our show in Canada, and we were playing him songs. And I remember he literally said, this song in particular, I have a hard time telling that it’s a group right out the gate. So maybe y’all can do something that just like immediately tells that you’re group. And that’s why we added that part. And I really do think that that’s a cool moment, because at that point in time, like you’re listening to the album, and then it gets to get to the fourth track and then all of a sudden, it just starts with this big, massive, acapella like moment from us, which is really nice to have to like establish that kind of early.”
Zach: The idea for the song started when we were on that trip that we went to Mexico. It was so fun and it was beautiful. We were hanging out on the beach and I remember you guys were like, just loving it. And you guys were like Zack, why- are you okay?
Garrett: I thought something was wrong with you… Well, you were just not saying very much.
Zach: I was okay. But I was maybe missing somebody. I was kind of going through it because you know, I had that breakup, right. And so I was really missing someone. And when I was watching the waves rolling, I just kept thinking about it. And then when we went to dinner, that waiter at the restaurant, he found out you were from Alabama, right? And he kept saying Roll Tide Roll. And at dinner, I didn’t hear a word anyone said at dinner because all I could think about was Roll Ride Roll. I was like, has anyone written that song yet? And I kept looking at the waves and I was like, roll tide roll. Wash the pain right out my soul.
Colton: That one has become like this…our anthem. Because it feels like that was one of the first ones that I feel like people really gravitated to early on for us.
Colton: There’s something like a little bit like the big anthemic choruses, it just feels like almost like, I don’t know, punk, like, like getting really big that…
Zach: I remember exactly what happened when we finally did get to sit down together and start writing. I remember I had the title in my phone, because, you know, it was actually from a relationship I had at some point. I remember, this girl had told me she’s like, I’m the kind of person who will love someone to the very end, like I won’t give up. And I remember when she told me that it really stuck with me. I’m gonna love you ’til you tell me not to. And so I had that in my phone as an idea. And when I told you guys, I remember Garrett picked up the guitar, and you just immediately sang the melody to the chorus and was so good. And we were like, Oh my god.
Garrett: I really liked this song because I think that- I feel like we’ve all had that girl that maybe you know we lost her. She was the one that got away, everybody has one that got away and I feel like this song is like a really good representation of that like that that voice in your head it’s like hey like don’t give up on this like keep going and go get her.
Zach: This song lyrically, it’s all about, you know, that moment when you realize you don’t want to be single anymore. You don’t want to be this person that you’ve been, even if, you know, here’s what I’ve realized in life. There’s been some seasons of my life when I’ve been single, and then I realize I’m almost too comfortable being single, being on my own. And sometimes it’s good to step out of that comfort zone. And that’s kind of what the song is all about. When you meet that person who kind of makes you want to bring down your walls.
Zach: This song 10 things I really connect with a lot because like you know, we’ve talked about you know, I went through this this breakup and this song kind of came to me one day I was I was at your house just like on your patio just singing tonight yeah, I was here for a while I was just singing to myself and I was just kind of this little nursery rhyme almost at first. And when we sat down to write this it I was like, I want to write a savage breakup song.
Colton: I had this idea in my song and I feel like it it stemmed from Shania Twain song that… “whose bed have your boots been under.” So I was like, it’s really cool if… Why hasn’t anybody ever told it from the guys perspective? Like, dude, you should have never left your boots into that girl’s bed you should have kept them on. And that’s where that song was kind of born. I remember we sat down with Jonathan Smith that day, very first time we’d ever wrote with him too. And I feel like it just turned out pretty incredible.
Colton: It feels like it takes me back to middle school. And I don’t know, it’s like
Garrett: I know where you’re going.
Colton: It feels like it’s been around for a long time. It’s like those old kinds of Nickelback songs like just kind of, or even Daughtry if like, that’s like kind of like a vibe that it gives off. But it’s, it’s super cool. And I remember like, when we wrote that song, how the following morning, we were like, we just knew when we were leaving that day, we’re like, oh, I don’t know, this first melody just really isn’t good. And then we went back and just workshop that melody and it came back in the next day. And this is what we got, what the final version is, and I think that it just really kind of took it to a whole new level.
Colton: This was an older song that we had wrote probably two years ago. And I remember like, this was kind of always one that kind of stayed on our radar of songs that we liked. We got to do it with Austin Sean and Nate Kenyon. And it’s just honestly it’s just a really, really good song and I feel like it kind of feels like the 2.0 to Growing Old With You. Yeah, in a way it feels like it feels like Growing Old With You is kind of like your love letter to whoever you’re with. But the You Don’t Have To Love Me. It’s kind of the more self reflection I feel like of like how you feel about that person.
Zach: This song is just the ultimate turn up song.
Garrett: I love it.
Zach: We play this live at our shows and everybody gets into it because everybody’s got a drink in their hand…everybody’s ready to go.
Garrett: This song is like you know when you when you break up in a small town you know we’ve all been there. But it’s like the things remind you of that person and just memories every stop sign like every kind of thing that you do. So I thought this one was really cool because I mean if you’re from a small area where you can’t really get out of the relationship then like you definitely you’re going to be seeing some stuff that reminds you of that person.
Colton: I do believe this is the oldest song that is on the album. We wrote this, like, early 2020. And it is, I don’t know, it’s just one that I’ve always loved and we’ve kind of had in our back pocket. I feel like when you go to do a duet, you want to make sure that it’s done with the right person. And somebody that can really sell the song and we already love Erin’s voice. I just knew that it was kind of like a it felt really, really good to have her on.
Zach: We were on the road a lot. We were in the middle of that world tour. So we were always on the road. And we got this song sent to us. And when we listened to the demo, we heard a really familiar voice. It was our boy Cole Swindell. And we just became obsessed with the song when we were on the road. Anytime we were driving, we would have it turned up and we’re like, this is so good. And we recorded it as fast as we could. And I remember you know, Cole gave us the stamp of approval and like, hope we didn’t let you down. And once we had the song finished, we were like, Alright, we gotta get an we gotta get an epic video for this. And I think we can all agree on this. The coolest part of putting the song out was getting to film a music video on the beach in Australia.
Garrett: That was awesome.
Zach: I know this song is so special to all of us I know when we first wrote it and we heard it back I think we all had tears every time we listened to it and I just think it’s probably the most honest song on the album and just really authentic to us.