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OLD DOMINION: Yep! That’s What We Want!

Last week Trevor Rosen from Old Dominion shared his side of the story of how the Sasquatch became the mascot for their last single “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart.” (here’s the link in case you missed it Old Dominion – Trevor Story) Now Old Dominion lead singer Matthew Ramsey wants to make sure all the details are out there about Trevor’s artistic creation that inspired the broken-hearted bigfoot that now graces all things Old Dominion, “”I don’t know if he told you the full back story…but one time we were in LA and we were talking about t-shirt designs and he had an idea for ‘Song For Another Time’ t-shirt. And he drew this terrible drawing on a napkin, and I laughed until I had tears in my eyes about this, I saved it, I still have it, its terrible. And we made fun of him so much for it. Then fast forward to this single when the label had sent us a couple things and it was fine. It was pictures of us which we were never a big fan of. So, we couldn’t think of anything so Trevor said ‘do I need to get out my napkin and sharpie?’ And I said ‘Actually Yes. Do it.’ So he did it and I came back to the bus and I said, ‘Did you draw something?’ and he goes, ‘yea but you won’t get it, you won’t like it and whatever.’ So, I went up and I came out and I said ‘Is this a Sasquatch with a broken heart?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘This is exactly what we’re doing right now.’ It was so funny.” Of course, there were some who questioned the Sasquatch, but Matthew says the band stay firmed, “It was just one of those moments where we turned something in and everybody that works with us, management and the label all go ‘Really? Is this what you’re going to do?’ and we’re like, ‘Yep. That’s what we want.’ (laugh)” Make sure to check out the video for “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart,” where Sasquatch makes a blink and you’ll miss it cameo, on Old Dominion Band dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion tells his side of the story of how band mate Trevor came up with the Sasquatch for the single artwork for their song “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart.” (:66)
“I don’t know if he (Trevor) told you the full back story…but one time we were in LA and we were talking about t-shirt designs and he had an idea for ‘Song For Another Time’ t-shirt. And he drew this terrible drawing on a napkin, and I laughed until I had tears in my eyes about this, I saved it, I still have it, its terrible. And we made fun of him so much for it. Then fast forward to this single when the label had sent us a couple things and it was fine. It was pictures of us which we were never a big fan of. So, we couldn’t think of anything so Trevor said ‘do I need to get out my napkin and sharpie?’ And I said ‘Actually Yes. Do it.’ So he did it and I came back to the bus and I said, ‘Did you draw something?’ and he goes, ‘yea but you won’t get it, you won’t like it and whatever.’ So, I went up and I came out and I said ‘Is this a Sasquatch with a broken heart?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘This is exactly what we’re doing right now.’ It was so funny. It was just one of those moments where we turned something in and everybody that works with us, management and the label all go ‘Really? Is this what you’re going to do?’ and we’re like, ‘Yep. That’s what we want.’ (laugh)”