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OLD DOMINION: Number-One Song!

At the end of last week Old Dominion released their second album, Happy Endings…and now they start this week by claiming their third number-one song, “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart.” With their second album arriving in stores and online, Trevor Rosen from Old Dominion says that it’s not so much that the guys feel pressure to continue their success that they started with their debut album Meat And Candy, they feel more like now they have a standard they want to achieve. Trevor shares “I mean we do put pressure on ourselves as song writers. We’ve always kind of had a high bar and a high standard that we hold ourselves up to, so I think as a band we still want to keep that bar high, we always want to put out stuff that we’re proud of. I don’t know if we feel pressure to keep it going, we just want to keep it going. We want to continue to be a great band and we want to continue to put out hit songs and have success, so I don’t know that we put pressure on ourselves necessarily, we just want to keep doing the best job we can…and be us.” With the first single from Happy Endings going all the way to number-one, it’s a good sign they’re met and exceeded their standards.

Old Dominion woke up in New York to perform the newly minted number-one hit on ABC’s Good Morning America.  Which you can check out by clicking HERE

audio  Trevor from Old Dominion shares the expectations that the guys have on themselves with the release of their second album Happy Endings. (:31)
“I mean we do put pressure on ourselves as song writers. We’ve always kind of had a high bar and a high standard that we hold ourselves up to, so I think as a band we still want to keep that bar high, we always want to put out stuff that we’re proud of. I don’t know if we feel pressure to keep it going, we just want to keep it going. We want to continue to be a great band and we want to continue to put out hit songs and have success, so I don’t know that we put pressure on ourselves necessarily, we just want to keep doing the best job we can…and be us.”