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Old Dominion‘s Meat and Candy album was a smash hit for the guys, producing 2 huge number-one songs (“Break Up With Him” & “Song For Another Time”) and the second most played song of 2016 (“Snapback”). Now, from their next upcoming project they’re releasing the first single–“No Such Thing As A Broken Heart.” Old Dominion lead singer Matthew Ramsey shares that the idea for the song came from a classic hit from John Cougar Mellencamp. Matthew simply asked “‘I wonder if Jack and Dianne ever made it.’” Songs have had crazier starts, but he says “that kind of grabbed everyone’s attention. And we just started to explore what that meant and then we ended up writing this song that I think we needed to hear our self.” In fact Matthew also admits that the lyrics not only affected the guys in the band, but there’s some wisdom to be passed on for others. He thinks “It’s something that we probably would like to say to our kids at some point.” Old Dominion’s brand new single “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” is at country radio now.

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion talks about the band’s brand new song. (:45)
“ ‘No Such Thing as a Broken Heart’ is our new single and we wrote that song on the bus and we didn’t have an idea that day, we just started writing. I started with, for whatever reason I don’t know why, I said ‘I wonder if Jack and Dianne ever made it,’ and that kind of grabbed everyone’s attention. And we just started to explore what that meant and then we ended up writing this song that I think we needed to hear our self. It’s something that we probably would like to say to our kids at some point. When the world is down on its luck, you got to keep your chin up. I think that really is what this song is about. It’s just about living life without fear and being confident in your family and lean on them when you need it.”