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OLD DOMINION: Happy In Boston

Old Dominion‘s brand new album Happy Endings arrives in stores and online this Friday while the guys will be in Boston–a town that’s kind of adopted the band as their own. Old Dominion will be playing with Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium, and lead singer Matthew Ramsey thinks that’s a great place to be on the day their new album comes out, “Yea its going to be really fun and special. For the past 2 years we’ve played with Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium. We get to do it again for a third time on album release day. I think a lot of our families are coming up. I’m sure there will be some sort of celebration. Like you said, Boston as kind of adopted us and the whole No Shoes Nation thing, definitely helped us a lot, being the opening band for him and how much they latched on to us because we were associated with him definitely has gone a long way for us. It’ll be special to be there for that day.” Before the guys opened for Kenny up there in Gillette Stadium, they never even played the town. But after a couple of shows with Kenny, and other performances, Old Dominion became such a Boston favorite that they actually asked to play at the New England Patriot’s after party for this past year’s Super Bowl. Matthew says that he and the other guys are still blown away by that, “Yea that was is still hard for me to wrap my head around. The fact that we got invited to play the patriots after party. Its like who gets to do that? Most people go their whole lives… I mean most people don’t get to do that. That was a big one. Not only. I don’t know. Its hard to put into words. Its just crazy.” Happy Endings comes out on Friday, while the first single from the album, “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” is trying to become the band’s third number-one song! For more info on the guys, head to Old Dominion band dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion talks about being in Boston and playing Gillette Stadium with Kenny Chesney on the day the band’s new album, Happy Endings, comes out. (:37)
“Yea its going to be really fun and special. For the past 2 years we’ve played with Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium. We get to do it again for a third time on album release day. I think a lot of our families are coming up. I’m sure there will be some sort of celebration. Like you said, Boston as kind of adopted us and the whole No Shoes Nation thing, definitely helped us a lot, being the opening band for him and how much they latched on to us because we were associated with him definitely has gone a long way for us. It’ll be special to be there for that day.”

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion, knows that playing Gillette Stadium is special, especially since the owner of the NFL team the New England Patriots is a now a fan, and had the guys play for the team earlier this year at a Super Bowl after party. (:21)
“Yea that was is still hard for me to wrap my head around. The fact that we got invited to play the Patriots’ after party. Its like who gets to do that? Most people go their whole lives… I mean most people don’t get to do that. That was a big one. Not only. I don’t know. Its hard to put into words. Its just crazy.”