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OLD DOMINION: Happy Endings In August!

Old Dominion has shared some info today about their next project. Lead singer Matthew Ramsey announced the release date and album name to the follow up to the band’s debut effort Meat and Candy, “August 25th, Happy Endings, our second album will be out.” Of course right after he let us in on the details, Matthew shared that now having this info out to the public is a bit of a double edged sword, “It feels good to have that information out and it’s also scary to have that information out because it’s out there and we can’t go back now. So, but it does feel really good, we’ve worked so hard on it for so long now it feels like it’s finally getting somewhere. And you know, now all the sudden it feels like it’s gonna be out tomorrow, it’s like really? Suddenly up on us. Feels great.” Fans are already getting to know the first single from Happy Endings, “There’s No Such Thing As A Broken Heart,” and now they’ll be counting down the days until August 25th to hear the rest of the album!

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion shares the release date and album title to their next project. (:05)
“August 25th, Happy Endings, our second album will be out. It’s unbelievable.”

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion talks about the info for Happy Endings now being out to the public. (:22)
“It feels good to have that information out, and it’s also scary to have that information out because it’s out there, and we can’t go back now. So, but it does feel really good, we’ve worked so hard on it for so long now it feels like it’s finally getting somewhere. And you know, now all the sudden it feels like it’s gonna be out tomorrow, it’s like really? Suddenly up on us. Feels great.”