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OLD DOMINION: Happy Endings Available Now!

The long wait is over! Old Dominion‘s brand new album Happy Endings is out in stores and online right now! Fans who already love the band’s hit single “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” can now hear all 12 tracks on Happy Endings! Now you’ll also get to hear the song that inspired the album title, lead singer Matthew Ramsey shares the story, “At the end of ‘So You Go’… it’s kind of left as an opened ended question because you can’t really tell if it’s a happy ending or not. And just in a discussion about that, is it a happy ending, is it not? It seems like a lot of the songs have that kind of sentiment at the end of them, it could be happy, it could be not. So that kinda led to us deciding that Happy Endings was the best title to the album.” Old Dominion’s Trevor Rosen is very happy to have the new music out for fans, “Oh man, it’s just…it’s extremely exciting. We’re song writers first, and we write a lot of songs and sometimes you work an album for so long and you go ‘Boy, we’ve been working these songs a long time.’ But as writers we probably have another hundred songs we’d love to share. So, being able to get the new music out is so rewarding, and we can’t wait for everybody to hear what we’ve been working on, because these are again, a collection of some of our favorite songs that we’ve been a part of writing, and I think the fans are going to like this one too.” Of course, with their first album, Meat And Candy being so successful, you wonder if there’s pressure on the guys putting out their second album, Geoff Sprung says there’s not specific pressure associated with Happy Endings, it’s just that band’s always striving to do better, “It’s not so much that the second album provides any more or less than the first one did…We’re always pushing ourselves as a group internally to do the best thing we can.”

Right after the album became available at midnight, the guys of Old Dominion, on a bus ride to Massachusetts for their concert with Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium Friday and Saturday nights, took to Facebook Live to connect with fans. At the beginning of that chat, Matthew let it slip that his band mate Brad Tursi had not pre-ordered the album, because he joke “I’m not sure about these Old Dominion guys.” To which Trevor responded “You should read some reviews first…see if it’s something you might want.” Well, the reviews are in…and Happy Endings is an album you’re going to want own.

To check out their Facebook Live video on the tour bus to Boston, go to Old Dominion’s Facebook page, or just click right HERE

To get their tour schedule, or order your copy of Happy Endings, check out their website, Old Dominion Band dot com, or click right HERE

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion shares the story of how the album Happy Endings got it’s title from the song “So You Go.” (:24)
“At the end of ‘So You Go’… it’s kind of left as an opened ended question because you can’t really tell if it’s a happy ending or not. And just in a discussion about that, is it a happy ending, is it not? It seems like a lot of the songs have that kind of sentiment at the end of them, it could be happy, it could be not. So that kinda led to us deciding that Happy Endings was the best title to the album.”

audio  Trevor from Old Dominion is very happy to have Happy Endings in the hands of their fans now. (:33)
“Oh man, it’s just…it’s extremely exciting. We’re song writers first, and we write a lot of songs and sometimes you work an album for so long and you go ‘Boy, we’ve been working these songs a long time.’ But as writers we probably have another hundred songs we’d love to share. So, being able to get the new music out is so rewarding, and we can’t wait for everybody to hear what we’ve been working on, because these are again, a collection of some of our favorite songs that we’ve been a part of writing, and I think the fans are going to like this one too.”

audio  Geoff from Old Dominion says the band didn’t really feel any additional pressure on making and releasing Happy Endings, compared to their first album Meat And Candy. (:09)
Geoff: “It’s not so much that the second album provides any more or less than the first one did”
Trevor: “Yeah”
Geoff: “We’re always pushing ourselves as a group internally to do the best thing we can.”

audio  During a late night Facebook Live session on their way to Boston, Matthew and Trevor from Old Dominion give band mate Brad a hard time for not pre-ordering their album, Happy Endings. (:11)
Matthew: “Brad doesn’t have the album. He didn’t pre-order it.”
Brad: “(Laugh) I’m not sure about these Old Dominion guys.”
Matthew: “True fans that he is”
Trevor: “You should read some reviews first…see if it’s something you might want.”