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Old Dominion is heading up to the great white north for a handful of concert dates. After they bring their new hit song “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” to fans in Canada, the guys will head home for what Old Dominion lead singer Matthew Ramsey refers to as the “re-entry.” That’s when the guys flip the switch from being country stars who perform for screaming crowds, back to being husbands and dads. No matter what’s happening when they are on tour, Matthew says “Honestly, it’s very humbling to come in and have to fix breakfast and get everybody’s lunch packed and get them out the door and take them to school.” But he admits that the switch is a very good thing “it’s a great way to just remember that you are a real person and not everybody cares that you have a guitar and sing songs.” While having hit albums, number-one songs and sold out shows are great, Matthew says “the best thing you could ever do is be a dad.” For tour stops back here in the states, make sure to check out Old Dominion Band dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Matthew from Old Dominion talks about coming off the road back into family life. (:41)
“It is a bit of a double life that we lead. We call it re-entry, when we come back into home it’s like re-entering the atmosphere and you come back in and you are no longer the rockstar you’re just dad. Which is a very nice thing to come home to. Honestly, it’s very humbling to come in and have to fix breakfast and get everybody’s lunch packed and get them out the door and take them to school. It’s a very nice thing and it’s a great way to just remember that you are a real person and not everybody cares that you have a guitar and sing songs. It’s really the best thing you could ever do is be a dad.”