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OLD DOMINION: Chase After The Dream, Don’t Chase After The Money

Old Dominion’s new song “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” contains the lyric “Chase after the dream, don’t chase after the money” – so with all their success over the past year and half, is that a little bit of advice that they took to heart about their own career. Trevor slyly replied “I mean amazingly they both worked out”—to which the rest of the band exploded with laughter. But taking a more serious tone, Trevor said “I think if you’re chasing the end result for anything, anytime, you’re chasing the wrong thing.” Old Dominion should know. They have been working hard to get where they are today, and all the work is paying off as “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart” is off to a fast start, and their follow-up project to Meat and Candy is one of the most-anticipated albums of 2017.

audio  The guys in Old Dominion talk about the the lyric “Chase after the dream, don’t chase after the money”  from their brand new single “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart.” (:35)
Trevor: “Yeah, I mean amazingly they both worked out. (laugh)”
Matthew: (laugh)
Brad: (laugh) “Amazing uproarious laughter after the…”
Matthew: “It was kind of maniacal”
Brad: “yeah”
Matthew: (maniacal laugh)
Trevor: (maniacal laugh)
Matthew: “we got the dream and the money!”
Trevor: “No, I think if you’re chasing the end result for anything, anytime, you’re chasing the wrong thing. Especially for what we do for a living with music, I mean it’s very rare that everything works out that way, if you’re not doing it because you love it, you’re just running down the wrong path. You have to really be doing something that you love to do, and WOULD do for free anyway.”