Old Dominion has a another major hit on their hands with their top 5 song “Snapback.” One of the things fans love about the song is the energetic video. Part of the video features the guys in Old Dominion performing the song at the bottom of an empty pool with skateboarders flying and flipping all around the band. Well, if you stick around to the end of the video you get a glimpse of Old Dominion bassist Geoff Sprung attempting his own skateboard trick–but it does end well. Geoff fully admits it was a bit of a peer pressure situation as he only attempted his ill-fated ride after watching bandmates Matthew and Brad both take successful trips. Geoff also admits that “Last time I was really on a skateboard was probably high school, and even then I was terrible.” Geoff was glad they caught it on video though…maybe a guest spot on America’s Funniest Videos is in store for the band thanks to Geoff.
Geoff from Old Dominion talks about his ill-fated ride on a skateboard during the filming of the band’s “Snapback” video. (:45)
“I watched Matthew hop on the skateboard and drop into the end of the pool for a minute and jump off. Then I watched Brad do it, and jump off, and I thought, ‘I got this, no big deal.’ Hopped on the thing, started going down that ramp, and it took about, probably 3 seconds in the video, but it felt like about two minutes where I went ‘if I just ride it out I can make it through this turn without crashing,’ and then obviously that didn’t work out. I ended up slamming into my shoulder and it hurt for probably about a month, for the first couple of days I couldn’t even get my arm above my head to make a ponytail. I’m glad they caught it on video, otherwise it would have been a complete waste.”
Geoff from Old Dominion admits that his skateboard riding ability is very limited. (:05)
“Last time I was really on a skateboard was probably high school, and even then I was terrible.”