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OLD DOMINION: Bracket Up With Him


For many sports fans, the next 3 weeks are the highlight of their year–the NCAA Men’s Division 1 Basketball Tournament will dominate conversations, and TV viewings over the next three weeks. When fans’ eyes aren’t watching the games, they’ll be checking their brackets–and this year, the guys in Old Dominion might be taking part in the bracketology conversations too. Whit Sellers, from Old Dominion, is all in and thinks the guys should “bracket up with him.” Band mate Trevor Rosen admits that even though he’s not a huge basketball fan, he still tunes in for the drama that the tournament brings every year.

audio  Whit and Trevor from Old Dominion talk about the NCAA Men’s Tournament. (:24)
Whit: “I suggested that we do a bracket this year, we’ve never done a bracket before, I think this would be a good year to do a bracket”
Trevor: “Our tour manager, Tommy, is really into basketball, so it ends up on the TV a lot of times. But for me, any sport that comes down to the final, playoffs, whatever…even if it’s not my favorite sport, I love to watch it, so…basketball, the tournament, is one of the most exciting sports events, so I actually really enjoy watching it, even though I’m not a big basketball person.”

Special thanks to Dan Vanlandingham from Albright & O’Malley & Brenner for sharing the sound.