OLD DOMINION: Audio Work Parts for Latest Release, “Never Be Sorry” (Audio)
Matthew: Josh Osborne and Shane McAnally were on the road with us writing for a few days. Three or four days they were following us around writing, and so we wrote “Never Be Sorry.” It was in a military base is what it was actually, a military base, behind the stage on a picnic table we wrote “Never Be Sorry.”
Brad: I don’t know how that song- was that the title? Was it the title first?
Matthew: I don’t remember either.
Trevor: I think we drew on a lot of personal experiences cause there was- I can’t remember which one of us it was that had bought our girl shoes in Chicago, and then we had flown to LA the next day and we were walking down the Miracle Mile with them. And so that becomes a confusing lyric because it sounds like we think the Miracle Mile is in Chicago-
Geoff: Which is obviously not the case.
Matthew: It’s obviously in LA, we did that on purpose.
Brad: But also, that one was the kind of hardest to wrangle in the studio.
Geoff: It was.
Brad: It took forever to finally land on that vibe.
Matthew: And I do remember just incessantly playing that song at sound check trying to figure out-
Geoff: Every possible sound.
Matthew: Trying to figure out how we were going to record that song. Just like every day at sound check we’d play it like 10, 15 times in a row. It was a tough one.
Geoff: What if it’s heavier? What if it’s slower?
Matthew: What if we play it backwards?
“Never Be Sorry” is about that, you know, unfortunate realization that people get to sometimes where your relationship just wasn’t what you thought it was and what it used to be. And, that’s a hard place to be and a sad place, frustrating place sometimes, but it’s also, you know, important to remember that you loved that person and you shouldn’t be apologetic for loving that person. And, maybe it didn’t work out. You know, like the songs says, you know, forever slips away from you sometimes. And, maybe that’s not what was in the cards, but you can’t be sorry for falling in love with that person. That’s what this song is about- remembering those details and those good parts that made that relationship unique and special and will keep it alive in some way forever in your heart.