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Nate Smith – Through The Smoke EP Artwork


Nate Smith – “Bulletproof” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Bulletproof” (AUDIO)
“All right, so Bulletproof. This song is one of the songs that like when you’re trying to go through a breakup, you’re trying to end your relationship. You’re trying to get over somebody. There’s a million things you can try, you know, and sometimes in country music, we try alcohol, but typically what it does, for me at least is it brings up the feelings that I had, and it brings up the emotion and the pain that, you know, that relationship may have brought. So it’s just one of those songs that, like, it just goes to show like if you really love somebody and you really go through it, like you’re always gonna think about them, you’re always gonna remember them and you just kind of have to go through it.
Nate Smith – “Wish I Never Felt” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Wish I Never Felt” (AUDIO)
Nate Smith – “Rather Be Lonely” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Rather Be Lonely” (AUDIO)
I’d Rather Be Lonely than being with you again, I’ll be honest. So, like, who are you pointing at right here? I don’t know. I don’t know. But rather be lonely like it has like influences of like, like pop punk music which I listened to growing up. I used to love Blink 182 And like all that, that genre and stuff, but it also has like Twenty One Pilots kind of vibes and stuff I just like it’s a really fun creative song. I love that opening riff on guitar and stuff. And yeah, I love the song.
Nate Smith – “Here’s To Hometowns” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Here’s To Hometowns” (AUDIO)
Here’s To Hometowns. It’s really special to me. It reminds me of growing up in my hometown. From going to the Silver Dollar Fair that I used to go to all the time, which by the way, I got to play it. Super fun. And just like everything that that, you know, I grew up listening to and grew up learning. I went to church, you know, with my, my mom and stuff and I don’t know the song has really brings me back as super nostalgic. But it feels like an anthem kind of celebrating the fact that like, you wouldn’t be who you are today if it wasn’t for where you were raised.
Nate Smith – “Make It With You (feat. The War And Treaty)” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Make It With You (feat. The War And Treaty)” (AUDIO)
Make It With You is just such a fun love anthem song. I remember when I asked The War And Treaty if they would want to do something with me. They said yes. And we’re just trying to find the right songs. So we set a bunch of songs back and forth. And then I stumbled upon this one and I asked Michael and Tanya, if they’d be willing to do it, they said yes. So it was really fun being able to collaborate with them, watch them just crush it, see their creative process work. I mean, they’re absolute legends. Amazing. So hope you guys love this one.
Nate Smith – “Hollywood” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Hollywood” (AUDIO)
So Hollywood, so I’m gonna I’m gonna spoil this a little bit. So there’s an artist named Joey Hendrix, that I love so much huge fan of him. He actually originally put this song out and then went in a different creative direction. So I just said, hey, man, if there’s any way I could sing that song because it felt so true and so real for me, I would love to put it out and he agreed to let me do that. So this song just really is a fantastic love song. But it comes from the heart. Comes from really deep place and stuff. So I am so excited to hear you guys sing along at shows.
Nate Smith – “Heart-Shaped Box” (VIDEO)
Nate Smith – “Heart-Shaped Box” (AUDIO)
Nirvana is my favorite rock band unapologetically across the board. Huge Kurt Cobain fan. I’ve got a picture of Kurt sitting above my couch in my living room. Just his story of my story. It’s so weird, but there’s a lot of similarities to the way that we grew up. So Kurt Cobain is like a huge macaroni and cheese fanatic, as am I. Just a lot of similarities of the similarities like that and stuff, but I’d say one of my favorite songs, hands down by Nirvana is Heart-Shaped Box. So I put it out. Let’s do it.