Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 14th, and here’s some stories from Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert, Chris Young, Luke Combs, the guys in LANCO, Tyler Farr and Maren Morris about everyone’s favorite lady…Mom.
Kenny Chesney credits his mom for his love of life. (:30)
“I think one of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from my mom is just, no matter what life throws at you, is just to take a step back and a deep breath and just still take life as it comes. She’s been through a lot in her life. And she’s handled it. And she’s come through it, I believe, with a lot of grace…and a lot of style. And I’ve learned a lot from that. She has taught me a lot directly and indirectly. And she’s a hard worker, but she loves life. And I thank God that I got my love of life from her.”
Miranda Lambert recalls the days when her mom was booking her shows. (:27)
“Mom and I — she was bookin’ me in bars — I was playin’ Texas, so my mom was like my booking agent. She was working with me, and she was kind of like my boss in a way, and I hated that (laughs) ’cause she was also my boss in life, ’cause she’s my mom. And so, that was a tough time, but we’re also one of those families where we can just get in a huge screamin’ match and five minutes later, ‘I love you,’ you know? We’re not one of those, like, stay-mad-for-a-long-time kind of people.”
Miranda Lambert talks about the importance of her mother and her family. (:15)
“My mom is a riot. She’s like, such a party animal — she loves to be on the road with me. My family is just great — they’re just, you know, they’re really cool. They get it, you know? They’re just like…they know when I need my space, but they also know when I need support. So it’s really great to have a family like that.”
When it comes to Mother’s Day gifts, Tyler Farr says he’ll stick with what works. (:11)
“I always never know what to get for my mom because I’ve never been good shoppin’ for women, so I usually just…you try to stick with somethin’ that you know they like, and flowers is…you always win with flowers. You can’t go wrong.”
Chris Young talks about his mom. (:52)
“It’s a really big time of year for everybody. Even if it’s just to get to spend a little time with your mom. You know, it’s not necessarily all about, you know, getting her a gift, it’s about just saying, ‘Thank you.’ I mean, they really do shape so much of your life. Your parents do. And your mom’s always a big person. Especially for me. She raised us for a little while, me and my sister, basically by herself. Before my stepdad, who I call my dad, came in the picture, it was just her. And we…I never, as a kid, wanted for anything. And that was how my mom looked at everything. And that’s how a lot of moms do, and I think that’s why we have a Mother’s Day. Just some of the stuff they do, that they give up for their children, really to make sure you have a great life and a great experience as a child. It’s pretty amazing how much of their personal time they give up, and go, you know, ‘This isn’t for me; this is for my kid.’”
Chris Young now realizes how special his mom was when he was growing up. (:24)
“When I was growing up we didn’t have a whole lot of money to go do stuff, and we kind of never realize that this kids. So, it made me realize just about being cheesy how special a parent that I had because of the time she was a single mom, and she was absolutely amazing…still is…so, we always make sure that she feels the love on Mother’s Day for sure.”
Luke Combs talks about sharing his recent success with his parents, and along the way–does a really bad impression of his mom. (:35)
“It’s been a cool thing. It’s definitely been awesome and my parents are still…my dad is super laid back. Man, he is real cool about it and he tries to act a little bit cooler about it than I think he is. He is definitely super proud and mom is just over the moon, she just can’t contain her excitement. She always says (adding an accent to his voice) ‘I never imagined you’d be a country star’ and all of that stuff. Sorry mom for the fake accent by the way. But that is kind of what it is, my parents are super proud and I’m just happy to make them proud. That’s all I kind of set out to do.”
Maren Morris shares how she keeps up with Mom and Dad at home to share news of her career happenings. (:38)
“Anytime I call home, or…I’m on this long group thread with my mom and dad and sister because you know trying to call them every time good news comes then it would just be impossible, because, I mean it sounds so crazy but there is so much to be said now. We have our Sunday morning Facetime ritual because they’re still in Texas and they own a business down there, but they’re just so ecstatic at everything that happened, for them to see their daughter who used to be playing in honky-tonks for 10 people, (laugh) it’s just a dream come true for them too, because they really have been a part of it from day one”
Kane Brown plans on getting his mom something special on Mother’s Day. (:11)
“I don’t know, I’m gonna surprise her with something I just haven’t thought about it yet. It’s gonna be cool though. I’m going to get her something special, she’s been a great mom and she raised me right so she get some special”
Kane Brown talks about his mom keeps up with him when he doesn’t check in with her. (:12)
“Everything I do gets put on Facebook so she can keep up like that. I mean it’s just awesome, her support and everything she’s done so, I can’t wait for Mother’s Day to come around.”
Tripp Howell from LANCO says that it’s very easy to lose track of time on the road, while Brandon Lancaster thanks a helpful reminder tool. (:18)
Tripp: “You really kind of lose track of time out on the road. It’s like one big long day and night…I don’t even know what it is have the time we’re on the road. So it’s starting to get a little harder to keep up with birthdays and things like that. Even friends back home it’s hard to keep up with them now-a-days.”
Brandon: “Thank God for Facebook reminders…today is Mother’s Day”
Tripp: “That is true”
Jared Hampton from LANCO has combined his alert system for birthdays and holidays, and his gift buyer into one…his big sister.
“My older sister helps me remember a lot of those things and I just ask her to go get my mom a bottle wine, that’s usually the best way she can celebrate Mother’s Day so”
Chandler Baldwin from LANCO has a very reliable reminding system for remembering important events…called dad. Eric Steedly relies on Southwest. (:12)
Chandler: “I think I get a text a week from my dad reminding me who’s birthday is today or the Mother’s Day is next weekend or anything like that so”
Eric: “Southwest always sends me an email reminding me to buy flowers for my mom”
Chandler: “I also got that onebefore ours from a mom also got that one”
Brandon Lancaster from LANCO talks about checking in with his mom from the road. (:33)
“My mom and I will stay in touch on the road it’s nice…it’s nothing too expensive because she knows I’m super busy, so she’ll always be very motherly like ‘I don’t want to bother you I just want to make sure you’re safe.’ So, I always let her know that I’m safe and then when I get home I’ll give your give her and my dad a full update of everything our life. Every now and then, I’ll send like an Emoji or something. Then you know like my birthday, I was on the road my birthday so we got, well, I didn’t…Tripp jumped on the mic and got the crowd to sing me happy birthday so I sent a little video clip of that happening. So those are the ways fine to stay in touch with your mom on the road.”