“Hey, it’s Morgan Wade…”
“This is Morgan Wade…”
“…and this is my song…”
“…and that was my song…”
“80s Movie”
“Losers Like Me”
“Roman Candle”
“Guns and Roses”
“Phantom Feelings”
“Outrun Me”
“Fall In Love With Me”
“Meet Somebody”
“27 Club“
“I came up with all my roses are dead and all my pills are blue. That was me. I came up with that line. And I wrote that with Sadler and Ashley Monroe and Butch Walker. And I remember we sat down that day, and I was just like, well, I’ve got this line. And that’s the first thing we started with. And everybody just looked at me and kind of shook their head like, alright, well, we’re, you know, like, Alright, I brought a good line today so my work’s done, but yeah. I don’t know, it was just a line that was in my head. And I had been like sitting on that. And so that was that’s what I kind of woke up with. And I went with it and then ended up Yeah, I didn’t even think of that. That’s the very first one is a record. That’s great.”
“80s movies are like, they’re great they’re cheesy. But like you always, they’re like feel good movies. You watch it and it’s just like happy references and stuff like that and so I mean you can’t watch like an 80s movie and not laugh.”
“For me, that day that I wrote that song had been thinking a lot, just about my cousins and my family. And, you know, I had recently went back home and people that I haven’t seen in a long time, and like how drastically different things have been for me. And, you know, I go out and I’m traveling so much, I’m living out of a suitcase, I just bought a house, like, I’m kind of like growing up, but at the same time, it doesn’t really feel like I am because I’m not home, like, settled down. So I see my friends who are like, these nine to five jobs, and they’ve got, you know, two kids now and they’re married, some of them are on their second marriages, and, um, you know, a lot of this stuff going on. And I think back to when, you know, there were times I was like, I don’t want any of that, you know, I don’t want I don’t want to be like that. And I looked at my mom, I look at my mom now like, man, if I can turn out to be half the woman that my mom is and the shit she’s gone through and the stuff that she’s doing, that’d be really great. Because I think you go through this point in time where you’re like, ugh, I don’t want to talk to my mom, like, my mom is annoying. You know, my parents in general, or whatever, whoever raised you, you know, your caregiver, oh, my gosh, like I– But now I’m at that point where I’m like, you know, I want to call my mom and I know that like, one day, I’m not gonna have that anymore. And so I’m like, No, I would be doing really good to be like my mom, but the whole song for me was like, kind of what I thought my life was gonna be, it’s kind of like, reversed. And I’m really grateful for what I’m doing. And I really enjoy that. But at the end of the day, sometimes you sit back and like, you know, it does suck a little bit, because you’re like, Okay, sometimes you do wish that you could kind of just, like, be at home and, like, have a family and do those things. And I know that, you know, I’ll get there. But yeah, it was kind of like sitting with that of all right, the roles have kind of reversed, and it’s like, I’m getting a little, you know, getting older now. And I’m like, seeing all my friends, I’m getting these, you know, baby shower invitations and stuff like that. And I’m like, okay, but at the same point, they’re, they’re looking at me, like, you know, I’d love to be able to do what you’re doing. So it’s kind of like, the grass is always greener on the other side, but it is funny how, how that how that changes for you. Like the older you get, and, you know, again, but it was a full circle moment, because at the end of the song, it’s like, said we wouldn’t turn on anything like our mom’s I didn’t, but I wish it did. You know, I think, you know, like, Reckless was kind of like that, you know, record like, Oh, she’s, you know, doing all this but at the same time, it’s like some of those songs from Reckless I wrote before I was sober and stuff like that, you know, I’m almost six years sober and, you know, I’m wanting to like settle down and like, have this career that and, you know, I have siblings and I’m just looking at everything differently. Like I’m at that point where I want kids and I want to do all these certain things.”
“I would consider myself a difficult individual sometimes in all areas of my life. So yeah, to me that that yeah, that is a vulnerable song of just like, basically being like, hey, just be with me kind of hold me, you know, and, you know, I know I’m difficult to deal with but like, can you just can you just take it right now? Can we just be you know, which is to me, Take Me Away from from Reckless was kind of like that just like, let’s just be vulnerable and I don’t think I like even I mean, I wrote that one by myself. And that was so long ago. I mean, I was like, 19-20 I wrote that one, but yeah, definitely a vulnerable song, especially for this record.”
“We wrote Guns and Roses it was me, Sadler, and Natalie Hemby. And we wrote that song and Sadler played keys on that and so we kind of just had that and then it was just so you got Natalie Hemby in there singing it she’s so talented and it was just nice. I knew I’ve wanted like a piano song and I haven’t had that yet and so we didn’t know Oh, that’s how we were actually gonna go do it on the record but that’s how we ended up sitting down writing it and sometimes it really helps to go versus just sitting writing guitar to have that because it changes the sound. Piano’s so beautiful and but yeah, I didn’t know it would come up but it did come out big and you know, having having the strings and everything on that. I think it is kind of like and you look at that song and you expect in something like Guns and Roses you’re expecting like something like rocking and so for it to just be a ballad in the middle of record is pretty cool.”
“I look back at like her interviews and stuff when she, she, because we’re writing that song. I was looking at kind of interviews and quotes and stuff that she had said, like, you know, I think there was a line of something was like fame is hollow. You know just these little quotes that she said here and there. And that’s what I took, and tried to bring to the table to write for that song like, hey, let’s use the actual things that she said. But just like looking back, you know, I feel like she, at the beginning that like, she really changed the course for music like that. I mean, she was saying, I mean, she said, go down on you in a theater, like, no one else was saying that, like, that’s so awesome. And like, you know, you remember like, that was her line. Like she said that and so I just feel like, but she was kind of like, different and like, an outcast in a sense, and which was great. I mean, she totally changed things. And sometimes, you know, I kind of feel like that I’m like, where the hell do I fit in, like in this stuff, and, you know, it can be kind of cool to be like, oh, well, this is different, but you still, sometimes it’s just kind of like alright, maybe I do wish I fit in just a little bit more, would things be different? Would it be a little easier for me to be placed in you know, certain genres? And where do I kind of like fit in? And so I kind of have, you know, but I look and see everything that she’s done and what she’s so critically acclaimed like, I hope that one day I could be just like half of that I’d be doing good.”
“When I went to sit down with Julia to write Phantom Feelings, I didn’t know it was gonna be called Phantom Feelings. I had the rhythm and everything for it on the guitar, all that. And I had the first verse completely, like, this is what I’ve got. And so when I talked to her and we’re kind of describing this, she was like, you know, it’s like when you lose a limb or something, and you can still feel it, she was like, that’s what this feels like, what this person it’s like, I haven’t seen you in a long time. But sometimes when I’m there, it’s like, I still feel you and I have these flashbacks and these memories and these moments and I’m like, this is gonna be really good because like, she was like, it was like, well, that definitely knew, that was what we’re going to call songs. And it’s definitely called Phantom Feelings because this is amazing. And yeah, but so like coming into that chorus But it was it’s just as powerful and we kind of just looped it and did a demo right there in the studio that day and I just you know it it wasn’t like we even like intentionally said, oh, it has to be like this it’s just how it happened.”
“You know Psychopath, I just it was one of those songs that I wrote. I sat down I wrote it in one take and that was it. I did the same thing with like, there’s you know, Take Me Away I did that with I did that with Met You. Yeah, it’s it’s just one of those songs. I don’t know. There was nothing about I just sat down and it literally that was it. I was done. It was one take, and there you go. And I had it. So I don’t know. There wasn’t anything I really pulled out from. Sometimes those songs happen and those always end up being my favorites and those always seem to be the most well received songs.”
“You go through, especially if you go through any kind of breakup, you know, whether that’s with a friend or you know, a romantic relationship, family, whatever, then you go through different emotions that where you’re you’re sad, and then you go through kind of you’re like, screw you, you know and then but yeah, it was just kind of yeah it was I guess defensive. But more so, yeah, you can try but it wasn’t a look at me I’m great kind of thing but more so of a you know, I kind of hope these memories kind of haunt you and you can’t outrun it. Well, I think the the point of this song was too, was writing from something like there wasn’t really any closure. We just, you know, this, this kind of thing like you don’t know, like, what the characters did. They just stopped talking what happened, but they didn’t really have any closure. So it’s just kind of like, I don’t really know what happened. I don’t really care but you’re still going to think of me and that sucks.”
“Yeah, so I’m a huge fan of Ashley Monroe and Angelina Presley and Ashley, I just, she’s got that song Hands On You. And it’s just like such a hot song I was I was like, jealous that I didn’t write it I was like I wrote that song. And so when she followed me, and then we like, she was like, let’s write and I was like, holy shit, she was right with me. And I told her, hey, I want to write like a hot song. Because I was like, you’re very good at that, like super good. She’s got several those songs. And she’s like, let’s do it. And so we went in there, and me and her and Angelina, we wrote that song really quickly, and then just sat in there and talked and like, had such a great time. And then, you know, since then, obviously, I wrote Domino with Ashley. And then of course, I had her come in and sing on the song as well, but she’s just like, she’s, she’s got this beautiful angelic voice and she’s beautiful and amazing. And so it was just such a great experience and now she’s a good friend. And so that was it was really kind of a full circle moment for me because, you know, I’ve been such a big fan of hers and then to be able to just text her and be able to hang out with her and and write with her was great. And I was honored that she wanted to sing that with me and then we got to do it at The Ryman. And I think everybody like kind of freaked out because they didn’t expect that and that was such a beautiful moment that like that’s just a one time thing that happened right there. Like I won’t get that moment but me her and Sadler just that first time anybody heard that song and we did it acoustic like that. And so if you missed it, that’s sad.”
“Fall In Love With Me is definitely sonically very different. It’s, you know, it’s a fun song and we definitely it’s kind of got this reggae-ish kind of beat to it and it’s fun. It’s definitely definitely more different song but it’s like a lighthearted song which was fun to put on the record because I do a lot of real serious stuff. So to be able to kind of have a fun moment felt good.”
“Yeah, I wanted like a rock heavy, like kind of grungy song on there. Well I say that I wanted to write one I don’t necessarily know that will go on there and I come up with like the words and Sadler and I knocked that song out in like, I don’t know an hour, we wrote that song and we did a demo in his house. And it just came together totally grunge like that with the weird guitar solo part in it. Which is funny, because in the demo that was actually Sadler screaming, like excited after I finished vocals in the booth, and it picked it up on that. So when we went back to to actually record it, we made sure we got that riff in there that whole like, it almost sounds like a siren kind of thing. So that one was just like a fun, grungy song. And this is more so like, my friends and stuff that I do still have that are like single and going out and stuff and it’s you know, especially like like bar culture and clubs and stuff like that. It’s like you see so many people and have friends and they’ll be like, Oh my gosh, ago, I’m like, Well, where are you trying to find somebody? Like maybe you should try like, book club or something. But instead you’re like, you know, yeah, obviously Meet Somebody you think it’s gonna be like it but it is it’s like, hey, I want to like settle down like why the hell am I still going out? I don’t want to just go out and meet this person and this person and just have a hook up. It’s like, I’m gonna settle down kind of stuff, which is seems to be a theme for this record. Now that actually look at it.“
“Uh, you know, I wrote 27 Club, and I finished that song. You know, like a literally a couple of weeks or something like, yeah, couple, few weeks after my birthday. And yeah, I think that was, you know, I’ve always struggled with mental health and stuff like that. And I think some, you know, a lot of people that musicians artists and stuff that I really did appreciate, you know, they all joined the 27 Club. And so I think that was something that was kind of always in the back of my mind, not that I’m like, Oh, my gosh, I want to do that. But for me, writing this was also kind of, like, you know, figuring out to this new life that I’ve got, you know, it’s definitely very, very different. And I’ve been navigating that trying to kind of figure it out, like a healthy balance. And for me, it was like, it’s, it’s struggling with my mental mental health has been such a big thing. And it was interesting, because I hadn’t really touched much about that on this record. And it wasn’t intentional. I was just writing where I was at. And then, because I wrote 27 Club and Losers Like Me, all in the same day, I wrote both of those songs in the same day. And, but for me, it was just but I thought that was a great way to end it because it’s like, also, as sad as that seems. It’s also like a good thing. It’s like, alright, well, you didn’t like it kind of to the other side of that. And, yeah, that was that was that’s something you know, I guess, and too since this has been, you know, people here in the label and everything have heard that I’ve had several people, you know, someone came to The Ryman and said, you know, I’ve worked with several of those that was in the 27 club, you know, and so I just think that it’s, I don’t know, addressing that. And it is different to go tour and play music and it’s kind of lonely and you spent a lot of time like hotel rooms and shit like that. So it was definitely yeah, the saddest song on the record for sure. But it’s it is one of my more favorite songs on there because I think that one, I’m excited to play that one out. For sure.”