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MIRANDA LAMBERT: Making Friends and Taking Them Home

The only thing that Miranda Lambert might love more than making music, is making matches with dogs and their forever homes. Perhaps taking a cue from her new song “We Should Be Friends,” Miranda says that “When an animal finds a forever home, it’s not just life-changing for the animal, but for the family that gets to receive the unconditional love that animals give.” That’s why she’s not ashamed to admit that “I get a rush, like some kind of crazy high from doing an adoption drive and I get psycho about it. I can’t stop. Standing outside the door of the Walmart holding a black lab like ‘come on you know you need a dog.’ I have no pride, no shame I will hawk a dog all day long.” Miranda’s own Muttnation Foundation is dedicated to ending animal cruelty, neglect, and homelessness. The donation-supported organization was founded in 2009 by Miranda and her mother Bev Lambert, and is very close to her heart. Miranda also says that “I cry all day long…when I see a perfect match made…that’s so rewarding when a match is made.” For more information on her Muttnation, head to Muttnation Foundation dot com, or just click HERE  For more info on it’s founder, go to Miranda Lambert dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Miranda Lambert explains her emotional response to being involved in dog adoption events. (:31)
“I get a rush, like some kind of crazy high from doing an adoption drive and I get psycho about it. I can’t stop. Standing outside the door of the Walmart holding a black lab like ‘come on you know you need a dog.’ I have no pride, no shame I will hawk a dog all day long. I cry all day long too because when I see, like, a perfect match made. This is a huge moment, so it’s just like that’s the stories…that’s so rewarding you know when a match is made like that and those babies went home.”