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Miranda Lambert is still recovering from the ACM Awards! The newly crowned ACM Female Vocalist says the fact that she won is just starting to hit her now! Miranda is overwhelmed and humbled when she thinks about all the fantastic things that have happened to her so far this year — but she knows where she got the luck: from her new dog. Just before the award show a couple of weeks ago, Miranda adopted another dog, named Cher, and she had an idea that the new little four-legged family member would bring her luck, and Miranda was totally blown away when she saw the human Cher, of Sonny & Cher fame, on stage at the ACMs. It was at that moment, before her name was announced, that Miranda knew something was in the air out in Vegas. Even with all the good luck and career success that has come her way, in the back of her mind, Miranda fears that somewhere and at some time, the proverbial “other shoe” might drop. Until then — and we hope “then” never happens — she is going to enjoy the ride and make sure she thanks everyone she can for all the success she’s had. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Miranda Lambert is following up her number-one song “White Liar” with her current Top 10 hit, “The House That Built Me.”
  • All the songs from Miranda’s award-winning album, Revolution, are available on iTunes.

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Lucky Dog  Miranda Lambert explains that her new dog, named Cher, is her good luck charm (:19)
“She’s my good luck charm at the ACMs. I truly believe that because I got her at the shelter like a week before. And it’s funny because I had gotten Delta last year, a week before the ACMs. And so I brought Cher with me this year. And Dorothy, Blake’s mom, actually named her Cher because we were supposed to share her, although I haven’t done so well on the sharing part.”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Lucky Dog  Miranda Lambert talks about seeing the real Cher. (:06)
“It was so weird, ‘cause when Cher came out on stage I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s some good juju going on here.’”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Lucky Dog  Miranda Lambert has had a great 2010 — and the year’s not over! (:41)
“It’s been the most amazing, amazing ride already this year, and we’re only, not even halfway through. I just can’t thank people enough for being supportive and for…you know, radio has really just been great to me on this record and on the single ‘White Liar.’ And the same thing with the ACMs. It’s almost…you know, winning three ACM awards is such an amazing feeling, and just so shocking to me, especially Female Vocalist of the year. That one really came out of nowhere, but it almost means more than taking home the awards or taking that number-one, and…you know, when people are happy for you, and so many people that matter to me have said, ‘I’m genuinely happy for you.’ And that’s just…that’s gonna stick with me forever.” 

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Lucky Dog  Miranda Lambert talks about when her ACM win actually hit her. (:32)
“I think the minute that it hits me the most is when I’m on stage. And when I’m up there and I’m singing ‘White Liar’ and everyone is singing the words back to me, I don’t even have to hold the microphone up to my mouth. And when I, you know, just stand there, and I’m singing a song I really love, I know that I just won Female Vocalist of the year. That’s when it actually hit me, was just last weekend, you know, after the ACMs. But I’m just, I’m thrilled. I mean, it’s…I’m almost scared because I’m like, ‘Okay, things are going too well. When’s the other shoe gonna drop?’ But I’m just gonna enjoy it while it’s happening.”