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MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition

This weekend on Mother’s Day, Miranda Lambert will get a chance to appear on one of her favorite shows on TV! The ACM Top Female Vocalist will be featured in a special Mother’s Day episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, as a “Get on the Bus” volunteer. Miranda is a big fan of the show, and admits that not only does she find herself crying when watching it, but also when she calls her parents, they’ll be crying, too! While the volunteers of the life-changing show rebuild the house, Miranda will perform her current Top 10 single, “The House That Built Me.” And yes, Miranda did stick around for the big “move the bus” moment — and she joked, “they do it a lot faster on the show than they actually do it in real life.” This episode airs Sunday, May 9th (at 8pm, ET) on ABC. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition  Miranda Lambert talks about the experience of being on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. (:19)
Extreme Home Makeover, I can’t wait to see that episode. I got to be a part of something so special. And not only just with the really cool family, with the greatest story and these awesome kids, but I got to hang out with Sheryl Crow, which was so awesome. And, got to share that with her and just, it was a really, really cool thing for me. And I watch that show all the time on the bus.”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition  Miranda says that her parents watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition too. (:12)
“I call my mom and dad sometimes, ‘What are you doin?’ ‘Well, we’re sittin here cryin, watching Extreme Home Makeover.’ (laughs) So yeah, I can’t wait to see ours, and I didn’t actually cry that day that much, so I’ll probably cry watchin’ it more than I did actually bein’ there.”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition  Miranda Lambert praises the work of the volunteers on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. (:26)
“They do such amazing work in such a short amount of time. And it’s so touching to just see all these people, these random people, that don’t know the family, or maybe do know the family, or maybe are just from another whole place to begin with, that have just the best smile on their face, and the best attitude all day, just helpin’ somebody. You know? It’s really, like, kind of selfish, I think, ’cause I got more out of it than probably the family did, you know, because it just…it’s so touching to get to be part of that.”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition  Miranda says the “move the bus” moment is quicker on TV. (:17)
“I was there at the ‘move the bus’ moment. I was…oh, my gosh, it was so…it was cold, it was really, really cold, and they actually torture you. I mean, they do it a lot faster on the show than they actually do in real life. ‘Cause they sit there and ask the family questions, and the whole time, me and Sheryl are goin’ (whispering), ‘Move the bus! Move the bus!’ (laughs) You know? But it was cool.”

MIRANDA LAMBERT: Extreme Makeover – “House” Edition  But Miranda was ready when it happened! (:08)
“I was really ready for that part. And then they made us chant it like fourteen times, you know? I’m like, ‘When is the final time, I really…’ ’cause the whole thing is the reaction, you know?”