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MIRANDA LAMBERT: 20 More Records!

The always sensational Miranda Lambert is gearing up for the September 29th release of her third album, Revolution, and amid all the work and excitement, we recently asked Miranda about her career and whether she experiences something many people probably feel from time to time: Does it ever feel like a job? And Miranda admitted that she has those moments, but she says, “and then sometimes I step back from it and just am so glad that I’m livin’ my dream … I’ve just had a really blessed career, and I hope that there’s twenty more records to be made. Maybe more. We’ll see.” (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Keep your ears to the radio for Miranda’s brand new single, “White Liar”! And you can hear it right now on Miranda’s MySpace page at!

MIRANDA LAMBERT: 20 More Records!  Miranda Lambert says the dream never slips out of sight for long. (:24)
“I sometimes feel like it’s just work, and then sometimes I step back from it and just am so glad that I’m livin’ my dream and that I am on my third record and that my first two mattered enough that I could make a third record. (laughs) You know? I mean, it’s just so unpredictable in this business, and I’ve just had a really blessed career, and I hope that there’s twenty more records to be made. Maybe more. We’ll see.” (laughs)