“Well, I wrote my first song when I was 19. And then I didn’t really start consistently writing until 2020. Usually when I go into a writers room, I bring the idea because we’re writing for me. So other writers usually like the artists to like, kind of know what they want to write about. Because if I just went in the room, and I was like, uhh I don’t know, like, you know what I mean? So I try to come up with the ideas, and they’re really based off personal experiences. And I think, because I’m not, no one taught me how to write songs. It just is authentic. When I go in a writers room. I’m not trying to write the next hit. I’m just writing what is relevant to my life and making it as good as possible. So I think that’s, I don’t put pressure on myself when I’m songwriting either, like if I go into the room and we don’t get a good one, and I’m like, Oh, well.“