Matt Stell: Check out the last installment of Meet Matt Stell, Volume 3 (Video Link)
Once you write a song and release it out into the wild, you know, people are kind of going to make of it what they do. People are going to project their own lives onto a song and that’s what it’s going to mean to them. And that’s great. I think that you know, with “Prayed For You”, I know what we were shooting for in creating the song. And, you know, one of the things is: the song is really about a guy who’s a lot like me—that’s luckier than he deserves in this case, in relationships, but also with me, not only in relationships, but also just in life, in work and family in general. I mean, I’m just luckier than anybody should really be. And, that’s where the song started. And it really was important to me to tell the story of a guy who, you know, isn’t the one that doesn’t deserve, you know, any kind of like blessings or anything like that because I’m the least deserving of those kinds of things. You know, I feel like a lot of times, just there’s a lot better people than me out in the world that aren’t as lucky. And that’s really what that first verse is about. You know, it’s just acknowledging the fact that I’m far from a preacher; you know, I’m not the church pew regular twice on Sunday, you know, to quote the lyric in the song. But, you know, in spite of all that, you know, good things have happened. And then, you know, the rest of the song and talking about, you know, meeting somebody and finding somebody that you fit with, that you complement each other, you know, is also something, you know, that the luckiest of us can identify with. And, also that feeling of searching for somebody out there in the world, I know everybody has felt that or feels that, you know, right now. So, you know, you talk about some pretty universal things in a truthful way and that’s what we were trying to do. And so, hopefully that’s why that song resonates with people because we were really just trying to tell the truth.